Featured Author @ LONE STAR BOOK FESTIVAL Downtown DALLAS, TX Oct. 7 & 8th, 2017

Get Excited! If you are anywhere near downtown Dallas, Texas on October 7th and 8th of 2017, I hope you will attend the weekend LONE STAR BOOK FESTIVAL. It is completely FREE! Saturday And Sunday from 9-10 Am ballpark to 5-6 pm. LONE STAR BOOK FESTIVAL is a weekend DAY LITERARY Festival. It will celebrate TEXAS AUTHORS! Yours truly, GVM, will personally be there as a featured participant. I have paid 250 bucks for a COVERED TENANT table and booth Section. I'll be selling my 2 books for 10 bucks each, plus PoP a Shots games, free prizes, photo-ops, social media pics, conversation and more! Hope to see you there! georgevance@gmail.com