
Showing posts from February, 2016

Policing the Police

I thought the police were supposed to simply handcuff criminals and not shoot them. Since when did it become a practice of government funded police municipalities to shoot, kill and murder, the citizenry they are supposed to protect? What the hell is going on? Lately it seems there are prevalent dirty issues and problems with America's police system. If these dilemmas were just a handful of errors, then perhaps the problems could be written off as simply bad public relations and isolated instances. But for the past 2 to 3 years and longer, one reads of more, and more, and more corrupt police created headlines, killings, cruelty, racist acts, profiling issues, and mistrust. It has become sad, worrisome and troubling to us, the public. If you think about it, there are a couple working professions, one really must wonder, what kind of person, really wants to do this? For example, the military person. Military workers risk death and must go into battlefield gunfire and war. T


Reciprocity is when somebody performs a worthwhile action benefiting your livelihood, and you decisively return the favor and beneficial camaraderie their way. A former public relations, political mentor once told me this wise phrase, that if someone scratches your back, you ought to scratch their back too. In a physical analogy, reciprocity is the 2 sided outdoor see-saw fixture from your childhood playground youth. You sit on one side and bounce your friend equally, as they remain on the opposite side see-saw to bounce joyously back with you. Personally, in my economic and consumer spending, I consciously choose to support clients, friends, local businesses, and the community that supports me. The big box national corporate retailers, don't need my extra money. The big chain fast food, coffee, and grocery stores, do not need my hard earned, local independent money. My childhood ex-friends whom hire other real estate agents besides myself, aren't worthy of my money, t

Easy VS. Challenging.

I want the EASY Life. Who doesn't. I learned yesterday that somehow there are real people out in the world, whom prefer the CHALLENGING life. Different strokes for different folks, is what they say. The easy life to me, is so much smoother, simple, gratifying, and yes EASY. For example, a person whom is naturally beautiful, and gifted through their parental genetics is an easy beauty. This person is just naturally beautiful. They don't have to work, for their envious outward magnificent image, and perfect shape. We all have that friend whom can eat whatever they want and not get fat. We also all have that friend who has been the "pretty one" their entire life. I can respect and applaud another person's easy life and talents. In a new example, there is the professional athlete. For example, Lebron James of NBA fame, is a physical unique specimen. There are few humans on this entire planet whom stand 6'8 inches tall, have muscles that bulge, vertical athle

Bored of it yet? At Least you are Alive.

Have you ever felt a weakness and pervasive BOREDOM inner-feeling for life? Have you ever caught yourself in the middle of daily mundane routines and thought...what happened to my life? Where did the joyous, impromptu, zest, zeal, newness and excitement go? Personally, I sometimes wonder, if I have simply just done it all. How do I re-invent, and rekindle an invigorating fondness for things? For me personally, once I had modeled in the nation's largest city, and slept with more worldly girls than is necessary, you intrinsically wonder, what else is there for me to do? Should I attempt a Round 2? Moving along, think about these more youthful, contemporary stars whom famously died at early ages. Heath Ledger, River Phoenix, Kurt Cobain, Amy Whinehouse, Paul Walker, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Princess Diana of Great Britain, 2 Pac Shakur, the list continues . Life, living, and the world is special. Cherish it! In real life, I once recall walking past Philip Seymour Hoffman, the