
Showing posts from August, 2016

Conclusion III.

I promise, its winding down. The Final End is ending. Here goes. I hope this doesn't disappoint as badly as the last episode of the television situational comedy, Seinfeld. The goal of the Sample Spectrum was to be a safe place for creative writing. I initially set out to be more outlandish in my tales. Another goal was to mix up the pace, format and style of this book. I hoped to keep you, our wonderful reader attentive, yet off guard. Like a literary roller coaster, cruising along a tumultuous yet safe ride. I've given it an honest effort. I'm spent. I truly felt inside, that it was time to end the Sample Spectrum. Have you enjoyed it? What has been your favorite chapter? Could you relate to any of the stories or myself at times? Was I more wild or less wild than you thought? Once again, I'd like to personally thank you, for your readership and for also passing along kind, and beneficial reviews. I'd ask for constructive reviews moving forward, yet am doubtfu

Conclusion II

As the Sample Spectrum eventually concludes, I'd like to personally thank the readers for their time, input, viewership, and all. Every artist simply hopes their creativity, and artist craft is embraced, or at minimum recognized. This book has been an enjoyable process, and a process in which there was no set plan. It was written with complete originality. There was zero outside influence, in regards to forced literary direction. This book is a testament to the United States, 1st Amendment, which allows the absolute freedom of speech . What is freedom, if not used? In this episode of choose your own conclusion, here goes Hypothetical Conclusion II .. Insert Dreamy Wave sequence.... As our author continues to develop into full ripe, and finely aged manhood, he decides to stay on the path of singleness and personal freedom. For George Vance's second half of life, he stays in the familiar lane of bachelorhood, work, income, dating, fun, and travel. Our leader rejects his

Conclusion I

The Sample Spectrum writing and creation process has been a natural and therapeutic process for me. It has honestly, and mostly joyously fleshed out certain back stories and current time periods of my life. In addition, I've also hoped to shed some light upon our modern day and current society. As a youthful man of the people, feel my existential outlook on this year and times before, is congruent with the remainder of American and world society. One of my goals for this specific book, and for the "The Sample Spectrum" was to be a beacon, and towering flag of history for myself and the world around me. One day in the present and future, I hope future students, society and people are able to read this expansive collection of stories, adventures, societal outlooks, and strong opinions on our Earthly world. You, our wonderful Spectrum reader may judge this book any which way you like. The more the merrier. I appreciate you! Maybe one day, the "Sample Spectru