
Showing posts from June, 2016

The Ascent of Women.

We need excellent, kind, wonderful, women in this world, now more than ever. A life alone, is a challenging one. Women are completely necessary and required for human life here on earth. As a straight single man, or even as a single person, I can not do it all by my self. Women, we need your entire skill sets, abilities, nurturing, smarts, kindness, will power, intellect, love and more. Unleash and open up the box. Do keep in mind, it is possible to be both authoritarian and respected, without becoming a prick. The encouraging rise in women's rights, power, and workplace authority grows everyday. This is welcomed and embraceable news. Women are needed in the modern 21st century, now more than ever. In decades past of the 1950's, women were precieved solely as mothers, home makers and domestic leaders. Today's modern world has completely shifted towards a new dynamic power in women's roles. In today's world, more is asked of the female race. Unfortunately g

The Downside of Freedom

Is our democratic, freedom oriented culture and society, welcoming? Yes, for sure it is! Freedom as an entity itself is a wonderful thing! Unfortunately there are still citizens of this globe, living in depressed countries with authoritarian, and uncivilized regimes going on. The pros to freedom are independent choices and non judgmental living. Coupled with the ability to work and live almost anywhere. The USA has 50 states, of which I still have yet to visit half of them. Personally, I need to get out and travel more, but we shall save my abyssal, puny travel record for another day. So, What are the Downsides to Freedom? The major downside to freedom is lack of use. If you don't use a particular right, or freedom, it can possibly backfire against you. Think of muscles that atrophy due to lack of use. The sedentary, and conservative life can become disadvantageous. People stuck and burrowed into 1 specific job, and place of residence, may be hindering their overall value a

The I, Economy

Just as our society and culture has become an "instant gratification" world, it has also evolved into an "I, Economy." Let me attempt to explain. In the American Capitalist financial market, job placement and economy, each individual person is their own brand. Sure, you can change jobs, alter industries and physically move from one city to another. Yet, inevitably, each individual human carries their own brand and entrepreneurial spirit along with them. Your name, skills, and abilities are aspects of your brand. The people you know and your sphere of influence is an element of your brand. Your previous occupations and connections are a part of your brand. Your successes, triumphs, and setbacks are included within your brand. In yesteryear and previous centuries, the American worker was loyal to the Union and Company. In today's modern world, the American worker is loyal to himself. As individuals, we often think, "what's in this for me?"

The Premium Life Style

That's all I want in life right now! Bank is code for Money. Fancy cars is code for possessing a luxurious, smooth, impressive, cool automobile . Women is code for being surrounded, and sexually hounded by attractive single ladies. Lastly Travel is code for Anthony Bourdian style, authentic travel. Travel within the context of admiring local geoghraphic influences. When Anthony Bourdian travels on his excellent TV Show, he infultrates a city's organic food, history, and human culture! It is a fantastic, entertaining, engaging show. I highly reccomend it! I am envious, as I too, also wish to live the "Anthony Bourdain lifestyle" . Personally, at this current day and time, still do NOT wish to be tied down with marriage, a desk shackling job, children, or some other life restraining entity. In so far aquiring fat bank accounts. How do you plan to re-obtain this GVM? Well, previously I have successfully served real estate clients in the buying and selling o


How do you, or how should we as a society deal with FRUSTRATION? Frustration is created and arrives in multiple different formats. Frustration is NOT enjoyable, loathed, and unwanted. Frustrations is awful. I'm becoming frustrated, just writing the word frustration. What are some of the roots and causes of frustration? Personally for me, it penetrates my being and aura in different ways. Most recently it occurs during the real estate business work day. Being a human, it is difficult to displace personal feelings during negotiations and business dealings. Sometimes, we take rejection in business and negotiating personally. There are definitely some punks, rude, and bitchy people out there in the business world. I think and would advise myself and others to keep an even-keel attitude. The workers whom learn to stay "above the fray" and not let business happenings scorn and pierce their human skin, end up doing better in the immediate time, and long run. Frustrati


Single-dom is a new age and modern term, perhaps. Single-dom is a state of being, a status update, and a lifestyle. Currently I am back in single mode. No girlfriend, no real dating partner, nada. Being single is a lifestyle of free choices. As long as the single person continues to pay their bills, earn an income, and remain sustainable, they may use their single status to its utmost reaches. The Single lifestyle has its advantages. This person does not have to listen to a nagging girlfriend, this person can attempt to woo, flirt, or initiate interest upon the entire "Sample Spectrum" of society if they wish. The single person may act as they so please. They make selfish, self pleasing entertainment decisions. The single person is their own driver and vehicle rolled into 1 entity . What do I personally enjoy about being single? Well, I like the peacefulness, opportunity, and freedom. Whether successful or not, I can attempt to talk to any super attractive girl, I