
Showing posts from September, 2015

What is your party style?

What is your personal party style? Are you an easy going, low key social person or do you tend to go hard, and get after it. During the course of life we are invited and placed in tons of different social atmospheres. Parties are one of these human social events. Party styles can often change over the course of time. During the childhood school age years, parties consisted of slumber, pizza, and backyard gatherings. Chuck E Cheese, Celebration Station, Playland Skating or Pandemonium anyone? High School parties are improved, yet there is always that detested parental curfew to worry about. College parties may take the cake and be the pinnacle in partying! College parties are super rowdy and well attended. University parties are full of youthful, intelligent people, whose bodies can usually withstand the intoxicating debauchery. As we age twenty something parties are fun, except often the party goers have to wake up in the AM, for work the next day. Buzzkill. Care free partying, wi

Life Unknowns

People try to live and work and play on schedule. Right? Some citizens have calendars, dating black books, planned itinerary and tons of other "Set" events. Overall having some semblance of order to life, should be considered a sane and positive thing. We try to rationalize life, and make the chaos conform. Keeping order to life is a commendable virtue. But here we go, then the life unknowns hit. Exactly what you didn't think or expect to happen, gets dropped on you. You've been blasted. How should we react when life's variables come crashing down in our lives? Do you consider yourself a savvy sailor, whom is able to weather the storm, and ride out to sunshine? Do you embrace life's unknowns or are you actually scared of them? Personally for me, there seems to be plenty of unplanned things happening to me lately. Daily life is full of them. The unknowns are like little seismic tremors throughout the day. For example, a real estate contract whom you expect