Howdy; First off, thank you to everyone who responded with their thoughts about the Lone Star Festival being canceled at the Seguin Events Complex. Based on y’alls responses and working with the city we have come up with a program that will work in some format for everyone that had paid their fee. First, for those who are not thrilled about the heat, we are going to participate in the Pecan Festival currently scheduled for October 30 & 31 (Halloween weekend). There is a discussion of moving it to the week before, so at this time it is NOT set in stone for that weekend. Those that wanted to wait for cooler weather can have a table in our booths at this event. It will be limited to 10 authors only. So, if you are one of those authors wanting to wait for cooler weather, this is your event. NO additional fees or charges will be required, just email me with your request to be in that tent....