Life Unknowns

People try to live and work and play on schedule. Right? Some citizens have calendars, dating black books, planned itinerary and tons of other "Set" events. Overall having some semblance of order to life, should be considered a sane and positive thing. We try to rationalize life, and make the chaos conform. Keeping order to life is a commendable virtue.
But here we go, then the life unknowns hit. Exactly what you didn't think or expect to happen, gets dropped on you. You've been blasted. How should we react when life's variables come crashing down in our lives? Do you consider yourself a savvy sailor, whom is able to weather the storm, and ride out to sunshine? Do you embrace life's unknowns or are you actually scared of them?
Personally for me, there seems to be plenty of unplanned things happening to me lately. Daily life is full of them. The unknowns are like little seismic tremors throughout the day. For example, a real estate contract whom you expect to go through and close, yet fails. Or a beautiful girl whom maybe has already slept with you, yet somehow has now turned a cold shoulder out of the blue? She recedes like a groundhog back into the caves. Or for example, in my case, a "silent market" property which I thought would have more general marketplace demand, but doesn't.
It is the variables, unknowns, and randoms in life that are inevitable. They can either be fun and welcoming, or awful. I pray for you the reader, and every human on earth, that the world does NOT drop disastrous life changing news on your doorstep. If it does happen, I feel your pain and can empathize for you. In the event something of disdain happened to me, I hope you too, would lend a caring heart as well.
Regardless of whether your life unknowns end up being a turn for the fantastic or the negative, remember to breathe, and do your best to roll on.
How do you our reader feel about life unknowns? Are you a strategic planner whom lives by their calendar? Or are you like me, and mix the scheduled life with the joyous impromptu zeal for randomness? However you choose to live life, be prepared and cognizant of life's unknown temperament.


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