Go where you are Exotic.

Judging from where I have had the most fun, and success with life, work, and the opposite sex, it has for sure occurred in exotic places. What do we mean by this? I am a locally born Austin, Texan. My ethnicity is Anglo. I am 6 foot 1 inches tall and I have blueish, green, light flavored eyes. For some reason, I absolutely blend into my hometown. I am just another face in the crowd. There are taller people than me, uglier people than me, and plenty of human variety within Austin's resident sample spectrum population. There is minimal POP to my presence, while lurking in my hometown. I am a local. I am the norm. I represent the regular guy. There is no spice, no jazz, no uniqueness for me here. I am a BASIC dude here. In general being the basic norm in a geographic area and city does NOT help. I think, people prefer the new, out of the ordinary and strange, rather than acceptance to society's basic norms. I mean, I do okay here in Austin, Texas. I fit in, I work, I sle...