Go where you are Exotic.

Judging from where I have had the most fun, and success with life, work, and the opposite sex, it has for sure occurred in exotic places. What do we mean by this? I am a locally born Austin, Texan. My ethnicity is Anglo. I am 6 foot 1 inches tall and I have blueish, green, light flavored eyes.
For some reason, I absolutely blend into my hometown. I am just another face in the crowd. There are taller people than me, uglier people than me, and plenty of human variety within Austin's resident sample spectrum population. There is minimal POP to my presence, while lurking in my hometown. I am a local. I am the norm. I represent the regular guy. There is no spice, no jazz, no uniqueness for me here. I am a BASIC dude here. In general being the basic norm in a geographic area and city does NOT help. I think, people prefer the new, out of the ordinary and strange, rather than acceptance to society's basic norms. I mean, I do okay here in Austin, Texas. I fit in, I work, I sleep with a new girl or 2 and my income ebbs and flows.
My advice to you our wonderful reader, and myself as well, is to GO WHERE YOU ARE EXOTIC! Each person is unique. So go and leave your comfortable geographic area, for a foreign and different land! You may be surprised at how well you perform, and assimilate within your new geographic city and environment.
For example, when I moved to New York City, I thrived and became exotic. Upon arrival at LaGuradia airport, I immediately began to stand tall, and become better looking than everyone else. Mind you LaGuardia is an unattractive airport in general. Why was I so exotic in NYC? It is because the locals in the 5 boroughs are mostly short, hairy, smell awful and posses large noses. The models, actors, and beautiful people in NYC are transplants.They are transplants from around the globe. The Transplants in New York City are the people whom make it diverse, exciting, beautiful and fun. Thus, a learned real life lesson to go where you are exotic.
So wonderful reader, where is your exotic place? Where is the geographic place in the world, where your aura, and appearance will be embraced for its uniqueness? Find it, and go there.
Next up for me, on the exotic tour was Miami, South Beach Florida. The majority of the locals in Miami are of Latin Descent. The Latin residents, are what you'd expect. They genuinely are, look, and act Latin American. Latins make up a majority of the residents and population in Miami. Thus, when a tall 6'1 inch, blonde haired, blue eyed fair fellow shows up, I instantly appeared EXOTIC to the residents. I recall walking in South Beach on Washington Avenue, with passerby's looking up to marvel at me. They envisioned me as a Nordic, Swedish, Finnish specimen of male beauty. (On a Side-note, my grandmother, Lala passed down hints of Swedish genetics to my personal blood through my father's DNA)
The lesson here is to embrace travel and discover your own, individual EXOTIC place. When you find it, it will make you feel special and appreciated. Your exotic place will warm your soul.
In an example of travel ineptitude, my vacation to San Diego proved that I really do present the outward image of a sunny, blonde surfer boy. While in San Diego and California in general, I am a dime of dozen. It seems the entire male resident population is comparable to me. Their residents are West Coast, Anglo, pretty boy, athletic, chill, easy going night owls and surfers. Thus when I attended California's Left Coast, I completely blended in. I physically looked like ever other "Chad & Cody" dude out there. Except my name is George. Girls did NOT eat me up in San Diego. Why? It is because I was the lame, homogeneous daily bread, with zero newness and differentiating allure. Society enjoys and embraces VARIETY!
Here is a different European travel destination where my "Go where you are Exotic" theory faltered. Spain. Yes, in my theory I should have prospered perfectly in Spain. Spanish residents are short, and literally all of them have the same brown, Spanish blood, figures, body styles, personality and more. As a 19 year old, tall, slender beauty should have successfully bedded and scored with a few Spanish native ladies. Spanish women, for the record, are gorgeous! The problem and major faulty issues with Spain and their culture is "Sangre Pura". Some Spanish residents still hold a borderline incestuous belief, that Spaniards should only procreate with other Spaniards. Where as in the United States of America, we promote, advocate and embrace diverse sexual couples and families, in Spain they loathe, and detest it. In that backwards thinking cultural mindset, Spain sucks.
The goal of this tale today, is to advocate travel and finding your own, unique geographical exotic place. I've personally found 2 cities and regions where my physical human ambiance gels, yet would love to find some more. So go forth and find your own EXOTIC land.


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