Hanging with Presidential Family

As a youth growing up, my first rock concert to attend was for the band "Better than Ezra". It took place at a now defunct, yet legendary live venue, Liberty Lunch. At the time I was an underage teenager. Right before the band was set to play, and the lights brightened, an older dude passed me a free beer to drink. In my excitement, I took a couple chugs, and while chugging, a Liberty Lunch bouncer saw my "X" stamped hands and escorted me out of the venue entirely. I was kicked out. I recall being outside and hearing the music, and being totally dejected and bummed. A couple of my friends were also standing outside, and Barbara B. was kind enough to BRIGHTEN our evening. Since we were already downtown, she invited myself and a few other kids to the state of Texas's Governors Mansion. Since her mother and father were the 1st family of Texas, this was allowed. They actually really lived at the Governor's Mansion. It was a wonderful invite, and bright spot ...