Flakes and Floozies

For our purposes today, flakes does not mean hair dandruff. This is not a shampoo promotion article. No, flakes and floozies are people whom verbally or in writing commit to an action, event or future gathering, yet bail and FLAKE out. Thus a no show. Floozies are people, whom rsvp to an event, and floozie with a non appearance. Floozies are girls whom give your their phone number, show keen desire to eventually go out on a real date, yet never actually do.
Think for a moment, I would strongly bet, every single person knows a flake or a floozie.
Unfortunately I myself am sometimes guilty of floozy and flaky behavior. For example, this morning as an uncle, my younger's brother 2nd child had a birthday today. To my credit, this baby's birthday social did carry a 10:30 AM Sunday morning start time. In the lifestyle of a wanna-be single bachelor like myself, Sunday mornings after an eventful Saturday night of liquor shots, cocktails, bars, and girls chasing is required human sleep and recovering time. Sunday mornings are a bachelor's vampire hours, and an A.M. time block when day-light is a deathly weapon. An Afternoon nephew party social, would have been preferred.
Regardless, we as humans are not perfect. We try to keep to our word, promises and responsibilities, in earnest. Yet things don't always work out as planned.
Are flakes and floozies evil people? Not necessarily. My humble suggestion to people of the flake and floozy variety, is to be more honest and forthcoming. Straight up! If your friend doesn't want to come over and spend time with you, he should be direct and just say no. If a client, doesn't want help or work from a real estate agent, they should just say, I don't want to be helped. If a pretty girl is NOT interested in you, then she should just say, "your not my type" and move-on. No guy enjoys being led on by a chick. When its comes to females, the question is, do you like us or not? We men, would prefer a painful honest no, than a succession of expensive dates that get to zero-ville.
Politicians are often flakes and floozies because rarely do their campaign promises come to fruition. Candidates love to cast dreamy policies, yet does anything ever actually happen? Sometimes I guess.
I think the moral of our flake and floozy theme is to avoid being one. Do not do it, if you can spare it. Do not be such a flake and floozy that you earn a reputation as one. That would be even more dire and unappealing. Just be honest, and if you know in your gut that it's not going to happen, Just damm say so. Honest, direct, clear communication will save people time, heartache, worry and money. Just the facts.


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