Hanging with Presidential Family

As a youth growing up, my first rock concert to attend was for the band "Better than Ezra". It took place at a now defunct, yet legendary live venue, Liberty Lunch. At the time I was an underage teenager. Right before the band was set to play, and the lights brightened, an older dude passed me a free beer to drink. In my excitement, I took a couple chugs, and while chugging, a Liberty Lunch bouncer saw my "X" stamped hands and escorted me out of the venue entirely. I was kicked out. I recall being outside and hearing the music, and being totally dejected and bummed. A couple of my friends were also standing outside, and Barbara B. was kind enough to BRIGHTEN our evening. Since we were already downtown, she invited myself and a few other kids to the state of Texas's Governors Mansion. Since her mother and father were the 1st family of Texas, this was allowed. They actually really lived at the Governor's Mansion. It was a wonderful invite, and bright spot for the night. Our crew of friends ended up lounging in one of the classic Mansion living rooms, before eventually leaving to go home. This is my first memory of hanging out in real life with the soon to be 1st Family of the United States of America.
As time continued, George Bush II. began campaigning and running for the Presidency. He became the Republican Front Runner and would eventually beat out the Democratic nominee, Al Gore. During these high school and early University days I continued to run in the same fun, fantastic, welcoming, and enjoyable social circle as the Bush Twin girls. We were literally in the same grade and class year at Austin High School. Also in actually, their twin birthday is 2 or 3 days after mine, in November. So growing up, we were and still are super close in physical age. I, George Vance, don't have a twin.
When the election finally, finally ended, George Bush II was VICTORIOUS. Our social core group of friends was invited to the Inauguration Speech on the lawns of Washington D.C, the White House, and also the Black Tie and Boots Ball Inauguration party. Being from Texas, my mother helped me find some long, classy, cold weather jackets and clothing for the trip. As a visitor and guest of the President, we did our best to dress up, be classy and play the presidential friendly part well. The whole President's inauguration trip was a blast! Our Presidential entourage got VIP treatment! We took black buses through traffic, and gained access and entry simply. I vividly recall how absolutely kind, motherly, and genuine the first Lady, Laura Bush was. When speaking with her face to face at the White House, she was kind and motherly enough to ask how I was doing, and if there were any logistical problems she could help with. It was thoughtful, caring and impressive! I remember the interior of the White House being very boxy and antiquated with tall ceilings.
The Highlight of the Inauguration was the Black Tie and Boots Ball. That was a serious, large, rowdy, fun and happy party! It was an all ages event. Everyone there was getting after it. There were 6 to 8 different enormous rooms, each with there own bar, vibes and settings. Most of the rooms had there own individual live band playing too. I recall dancing and being attracted to Lauren Bush. Lauren Bush was a model blood cousin of the new 1st family. Lauren was a legit, real female MODEL. Slender, beautiful, kind, and dreamy! Unfortunately I never really got a date or chance with her. As of current times, she is married to Mr. Polo Brand, Ralph Lauren's authentic son. Thus her new name is Lauren Lauren. Kinda cool huh? Lauren McGee would have been better.
The next major event in hanging out with the Presidential 1st Family, was a full lengthy week at Camp David. Overall there were 20 girls, including the awesome Bush twins, and 20 of us handsome, gentlemanly fellas. Entering Camp David, reminded me visually of entering "Jurassic Park." It was very green, and heavily, heavily gated. We were super ID checked before entry. Camp David is a Camp. There are multiple living cottage huts, and paved trails throughout. Each separate, unique cottage houses 2 guests. With it, you get your own Golf Cart for transportation. My roommate was Willy B. Camp David also has ample entertainment and event spaces. There is a full bowling alley, an entire indoor basketball gym, a full Indoor Movie Theater, Presidential Conference Building Rooms, and a Main Gathering Dinner Structure. The Main Structure is where our entire 40 person crew, including George II and Laura B, would lounge and eat dinner nightly. My most vivid memory of the Camp David trip, was drinking beer, talking life, and watching college football with George II. He had "fake" beer. While bull shitting with us fellas in the crew, he seemed to really let his guard down and be his regular, manly human self. He told us dudes,
"we were the sons he never had".
He obviously loves his twin daughters, but you can always respect the different life perspectives and conversation differences between males and females. An odd happening, occurred to me one of the nights there. I was lost and tipsy in my golf cart, and a secret service member popped out of NOWHERE and helped guide me back to the paved path. Just like in the movie "Meet the Parents", THEY were always watching us.
I never really dated either of the Bush twins. Jenna had been dating my childhood friend Walker forever, and then later my UT Fraternity brother Cooper M. Barbara B is a very pretty girl, with a non judgmental personality and awe worthy light blue eyes. Perhaps I was not Artsy enough for her? She is very smart and ended up going to YALE for college.
Our last Presidential Story and true tale for the day, involves Camp Crawford. Camp Crawford was George Bush II's personal ranch in Crawford, Texas, and the special place he would take the family to ESCAPE Washington D.C., breathe some fresh air, and gain perspective. In actually, it was a mega-sized Texas Ranch. Our crew occasionally would take a keg out there to unwind and goof off. One night for the twin girls, 21st birthday, tons of us were invited to Camp Crawford for the Bush Twins Birthday Bash. The party Theme was Cowboys and Indians. There was a live band and dancing times. This 21st birthday was grand. Jenna's entire THETA sorority was probably there, along with Barbara's new Yale, and East Coast Friends. It was a Fantastic Time! Toward the end of the night, I managed to stay awake. As the midnight oil continued to burn, more and more people went to sleep and there were less beds to sleep on. Eventually there was only 1 left. You guessed it, The actual President's bed. There was even the red phone next to it and everything. With reluctance, Jenna finally told me it was cool and no worries. So me and my girlfriend at the time Wesley, passed out there.
The next morning, I remember George II, the President waking up SUPER EARLY in the AM, and asking any of us twin party patrons if we wanted a "Tour of the Land". A few of us went for it, and jumped in the back of the President's pick-up truck. We got a scenic tour of Camp Crawford and some early AM fresh air. The man was proud of his land.
Later in life, sometimes I would cross paths with the Bush twins, when I lived in New York City. I lived in Midtown West Manhattan for 5 years. Barabara I think would help out at the Whitney Museum in the Upper East Side, and Jenna was with NBC in Rockefeller Center.
So there you have it. Those are some of the best, honest, and true entertaining personal stories I posses from hanging out with the Presidential Family. Politics aside, they are a great, fun, normal, Southern family. It was always a pleasure!
Nowadays, I think Jenna B. is married with 2 kids, lives in New York City and works occasionally as a reporter and anchor for the TODAY show. Jenna was the Editor in Chief for the Maroon newspaper back in the day. The Last I read, Barabara B. is working for a non profit organization. George Bush II is now happily retired, lives in Dallas Texas, and has taken up painting in his spare time. Lastly, I recently attended the 3rd largest festival in Austin, called the Texas Book Festival, which First Lady Laura Bush CREATED.


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