A Man's Own Merit.

When does a male, truly transform from a child, adolescent, and youth, into a legitimate full grown man? Should "manhood" be considered a physical achievement? Is "manhood" achieved once a state of adulthood, responsibility and grown-up level is conquered? Is "manhood" acquired once a male has become a rainmaker and created his own family? A family, for example with a wife and children? When is a male officially a truthful, gentle, full legitimate grown MAN?
I am simply curious? In my humble opinion, a man's own merit is achieved at different time levels for each us.
For example, let us a say a young boy, loses his father tragically to death at a youthful age. To such sadness as say war, a traffic accident or medical loss. If a youth under the age of 18, loses his father to death, this would probably force the boy to grow up faster than is necessary.
Sometimes a man, must grow out of his father's shadows and legacy. For example, when Peyton & Eli Manning each successfully won a SUPER BOWL football game, under their own merit, one could say the Manning brothers finally outgrew and shed their quarterback father, Archie's shadow. This shadow also occurs in Hollywood too, when the sons and daughters of Hollywood Fame Royalty, follow their parents into the entertainment industry, in hopes of success. It can be a difficult process, when a youthful male, attempts to outgrow their parental figures, in hopes of achieving their own individual glory and merit. When will I be known, as the Austin Real estate mogul, in my own right? Will it ever happen? I hope that day becomes reality.
The reason for the pondering today, is I personally, wonder when and if I will acquire my own "manhood" merit? What is the yardstick and barometer? When will I, or does anyone know, when they have successfully achieved manhood on their own?
For example, my younger brother of 1 year, may have passed me up. He is already a home owner, has surpassed me in yearly income, is married, and has two children. Does his home ownership, familial status, and wealth, put him OVER me? Personally, does it make me less of person, if I have not achieved those pre-discussed life events yet. Personally, I am still very happy with my single status and freedom. Some may classify me as a "Peter Pan". A "Peter-Pan" is a male, whom prefers to live life with youthful exuberance, fun, and joy, in lieu of tackling the unwanted burdens and tie downs of family life, and home ownership.
The beauty of this, is that our American freedom, life, and liberty allows each individual to live how they wish! I personally do not judge people, and am actually happy to learn of different unique American Lifestyles and choices. I vote for you to mix it up, and do your thing.
I do plan to one-day in the near future, own my own property. I think that would feel satisfying. It would be financially intelligent. The challenge would be, not having anyone else to help pay the mortgage. Ideally I would continue to live solo, and not be burdened with roommates or a co-habitation female. Who knows what the future may bring. Perhaps my attitude will change on this.
I hope you, and all our Sample Spectrum readers are able to successfully grow, achieve, and adapt at your own desired pace. Whether you feel you have become a man on your own merit at 18, 25, 31, or 45, it's your call. Good Luck, as I root for the common, progressive, collective good of our Society. If we, as humans are going to be stuck in society with each other, we might as well help each other with it.


  1. I have always thought that a boy becomes a man when he no longer needs assistance (financially or otherwise) from anyone else. Essentially, when he becomes "independent." That's not to say that a man with a family can't lean on his significant other for help (and vice versa); a family man has far more responsibilities and it is up to the "adults" to share the load. Some might say that these familial responsibilities (or "burdens"), giving priority to your wife and children's well being/happiness over your own is when a man becomes a true man. Most would probably say that a boy becomes a man ate the age of 18 when his parents are no longer legally obligated to provide for you. Personally I don't think it matters much.
    Better question is are you honestly happy? If you're single but grappling with rationales to justify your "manhood" I don't know if you are. Don't look at it as your brother "passing you", ask yourself what would make you a better person. Once you're happy with who you are, amazing things can happen.

  2. This may be the most sincere and best comment in the sample spectrum"s history. Thanks for reading and commenting. Happiness and further financial independence and zero debt are some of my personal goals for 2016. Keep reading.

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