Policing the Police

I thought the police were supposed to simply handcuff criminals and not shoot them. Since when did it become a practice of government funded police municipalities to shoot, kill and murder, the citizenry they are supposed to protect? What the hell is going on?
Lately it seems there are prevalent dirty issues and problems with America's police system. If these dilemmas were just a handful of errors, then perhaps the problems could be written off as simply bad public relations and isolated instances. But for the past 2 to 3 years and longer, one reads of more, and more, and more corrupt police created headlines, killings, cruelty, racist acts, profiling issues, and mistrust.
It has become sad, worrisome and troubling to us, the public.
If you think about it, there are a couple working professions, one really must wonder, what kind of person, really wants to do this? For example, the military person. Military workers risk death and must go into battlefield gunfire and war. The worse part, is even after a successful return in which they hopefully retain all of their body parts, they often return home with "post traumatic stress syndrome". Perhaps the real life dangers of a career in the military, is why the military recruiters lurk in our nation's High Schools, trying to recruit the young naive minds, whom have not had a chance to be enlightened with a college education. Good thing the draft is over, and I'm officially too old to serve in the military. Hooray! I personally would most likely, never willingly join the military or fight in an American war. Crew cuts are not my best look.I do highly and genuinely appreciate our military for doing their best to keep America safe. It's a non-glamorous job, I just personally don't have the guts to do. I'm a PACIFIST.
Back on topic, what kind of internal mind set does a person possess to willing join the police force? Whom would choose a profession, where every morning, they run the risks of danger, uncertainty, death, and injury. There are better jobs out there, I promise. Perhaps these police workers secretly have always been gun and trigger happy, and thus chosen a profession where using armed force can be considered acceptable. If a Music Record store worker is enthralled with music, tapes, posters, and vinyl, then maybe a Police agent is enchanted with violence, guns, conflict and action? What do you think about that last assertion?
On the flip side of this controversial topic is the dignified, prudent, seasoned and respectable police officer. The public also knows you exist and appreciates your service and work too! We wish there were no “bad apples” and that all members of the police force were like you. The Ideal, preferred police officer is one whom helps prevent crime, catches and reprimands criminals until their time with the court and judge arrives, and lastly facilitates a culture of safety.
Here are a few of my ideas to help improve the police. Increase the police job application pre-requisites. I'd suggest making a university 4 year degree a requirement. I'd also increase the annual salary and pay for police officers, so the job would look more enticing to intelligent citizens. Another idea to improve the quality of the police is to prosecute officers who make criminal mistakes themselves. Once the officers realize they can no longer “Get away” with their misguided discriminatory practices, they will be forced to change for the better. Another idea, would be to have police officers show up to community events (picnis, socials, park gatherings, etc) in casual, non-uniform clothing. This regular person facade, would allow people to trust and talk with the officers, get to know them, and perhaps add suggestions on how to deter and stop crime.
That's my 2 cents.


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