Easy VS. Challenging.

I want the EASY Life. Who doesn't. I learned yesterday that somehow there are real people out in the world, whom prefer the CHALLENGING life. Different strokes for different folks, is what they say.
The easy life to me, is so much smoother, simple, gratifying, and yes EASY. For example, a person whom is naturally beautiful, and gifted through their parental genetics is an easy beauty. This person is just naturally beautiful. They don't have to work, for their envious outward magnificent image, and perfect shape. We all have that friend whom can eat whatever they want and not get fat. We also all have that friend who has been the "pretty one" their entire life. I can respect and applaud another person's easy life and talents. In a new example, there is the professional athlete. For example, Lebron James of NBA fame, is a physical unique specimen. There are few humans on this entire planet whom stand 6'8 inches tall, have muscles that bulge, vertical athleticism, and can balance like a high wire carnival artist. Does he have to work on his basketball game to improve it? Of course. Did he have a god given EASY head start, Yes. I am ALL for the EASY LIFE. In a more relate-able example, take the humble neighbor next door Accountant. Perhaps, the accountant since his birth and early school years simply had a talented propensity for math and numbers. Math came EASY to the accountant. I personally loathe accounting, as it was the only class at University I used my 1, and only Q drop on. Q is for quit. Most people WISH life was easier. I wish girls would just love and sleep with me at the drop of a hat. Where is the engraved rule, that says a gentlemen has to work for every love interest?
My best and most wonderful easy girl story goes like this. It was my 1st time ever visiting the popular and well attended, "Sheep's Meadow" park and section of Central Park in New York City. My 1st time in Sheeps Meadow. While on this grassy, clear field at the age of say 24/25, I found a spot to lounge in the sun. Next, I take my shirt of to garner the attention of the sun rays. Once shirtless, a very cute and bubbly 19 year old girl eyes me from 50 yards back right and pops up. She gallops directly towards me. All I have done thus far, is gone to Sheep's Meadow and de-shirted. This bubbly, short, perfectly bustful brunette starts happily chatting with me and engaging in conversation. As she leaves, she gives me her phone number and a wink as she returns back to her blanket and group. Your intuition is correct, as the bubbly girl and I gloriously hooked up later down the road a couple times. Once at my apartment, and another time at her friend's Upper West Side apartment's Hi-Rise Balcony. She was friendly and wonderful, and sweet, and yes, she was an EASY Catch for me. Life does not always have to be challenging or involve hard work.
The latest, in vogue mantra for our modern society is to WORK SMART. Not, work hard. WORK SMART. I think they are right, in that it is better to work intelligently, than to mundanely bust your butt for the man. What do you, our wonderful SAMPLE SPECTRUM Readers think?
The Challenging Life is not as ideal. Often life can be difficult. There are days when you will get fired, your girlfriend will break up with you, or perhaps your best friend will no longer be there. Life can be tough and challenging, my advice is to deal with it, wipe it off, and get back up. Personally for me, writing books, and being an Author, although very fulfilling and enjoyable, can be a challenge. My last book, took 5 years to write, and was not exactly a quick and easy journey. Also, I noticed that the publishing community is not foaming at the cusp to acquire the copyrights to my writing and self published work. The big box publishers have yet to mail me the financial happy check. If you our reader, ever decide to break into the book writing marketplace, you too will learn of the challenges to both the writing and publishing process.
Personally for me, building my residential real estate practice in supremely livable, diverse, bohemian, cool Austin, Texas has been challenging. When I boomeranged back from 5 years of New York City social and work domination, I envisioned seamlessly becoming the king of my hometown once again. I thought I'd just re-claim the throne. It has not been that easy. I am surprised at how challenging, the business building process is. I thought I would simply use the work tools I learned from NYC corporate jobs on Madison Avenue, Midtown East, Park Avenue South, and the Meatpacking District to destroy my real estate competition. I thought I was going to blow the competition out of the water. I have not. I have done well, and am increasing my business numbers yearly, yet it has been a gradual garden-growing process, and not the immediate overnight success I had hoped.
Regardless of whether you, our fantastic reader enjoy the EASY or CHALLENGING way of life, you will eventually see both sides of this coin in your lifetime. I promise that. In our modern society, realize, each of us has our own unique dynamic talents, and gifts. Some facets of life will be easy to you, while others will be a chore. Run with them both. Good Luck out there!


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