Muy Macho

The moment has arrived when it is time for MEN to stand tall with accomplishment! Yes, the "metro" phase, and CK-One fragrance touting, morphing of the sexes 90's era, should be denounced. It's over for the reluctant, meek and bashful.
As a new, prime young man, and fresh member to this adult man club, I welcome all existing and new members such as myself. Fellow men, let's quit apologizing for our genetic, natural actions, tendencies and awkward social skills. Men are men! Deal with it society. Don't try to change us. On the flip side, we will not beg for you to change. Let us grown males range, roam and live as we were destined to.
Think back to previous centuries and to the Cowboys time period of man. Let's reminiscence to the days of freedom, horse riding, gun toting, whiskey drinking, and fire-cooking men. Yes, can't you just feel the bearded stubble on your skin? The tanned, worn, tired complexion. The everlasting freedom of the cowboy lifestyle and the wild wild west. Cowboys could live lawless on the plains and land. What a life! They didn't have curfews or wives nagging them. Authentic real cowboys were true men, and did whatever the hell they wanted. Cowboys could gamble away their life's earnings on a whim. Cowboys were the "original bros". They had each others backs, and kept each other in line.
Today's modern culture is too politically correct, and has stripped men of their innate manliness. Men should be proud to parade around the city shirtless. Men should be proud of their body and facial hair. Men should once again be proud of their freedom and ability to converse with any female in their path. If you believe in evolution like me, you know the male species has progressed considerably since the "cave-man" days. But have we really progressed? Or has man's inner intrinsic soul, simply been beaten down by society, responsibility, female pressures, and modern culture. How do you feel?
I vote for today's men, to embrace their natural born male tendencies! I'd like to recommend the MACHO lifestyle. A recent client of mine, and former star bartender in my hometown, was feeling these same stripped manhood sentiments, like myself. What was this specific man's answer? He moved to the Upper Mid-West of America, to Idaho/Montana/Wyoming or somewhere in that vicinity. Perhaps this geographic area of the U.S.A is where the true remaining, manly men actually reside?
Honestly, like always, I ask for our Sample Spectrum readership's input and comments. How do you feel about the current state of "manhood"? Is manliness going the way of the buffalo? Are true Men a dying species? Can we bring them back?
Maybe being a coy, suave, smooth, well fashioned, female pleasing tool of a dude is OVERRATED? Why should we allow other people, opposite genders or society to dictate our own actions. America was founded on liberty and freedom. So I advise us to, EMBRACE IT! Be who you are! People can smell phonies. Be Authentic.
The moment has arrived, my fellow men. Burn the forced apologies to the ground. Grunt, grown, and spit as you please. Present your raw image and physique to the world as you wish! Do what you want. Act how you feel. Don't take anyone else's crap. We were born with a purpose. If you were born as a swarthy, strong male, and have evaded the dangers of childhood and youth, then congratulations. You've successfully climbed the mountain towards true MAN level. Be content and happy you made it through life's obstacle course. Some kids never make it to manhood. Let's do it for them, and us, and for everyone. Society will become enhanced because of it. At least I hope so.


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