Conclusion III.

I promise, its winding down. The Final End is ending. Here goes. I hope this doesn't disappoint as badly as the last episode of the television situational comedy, Seinfeld.
The goal of the Sample Spectrum was to be a safe place for creative writing. I initially set out to be more outlandish in my tales. Another goal was to mix up the pace, format and style of this book. I hoped to keep you, our wonderful reader attentive, yet off guard. Like a literary roller coaster, cruising along a tumultuous yet safe ride. I've given it an honest effort. I'm spent. I truly felt inside, that it was time to end the Sample Spectrum. Have you enjoyed it? What has been your favorite chapter? Could you relate to any of the stories or myself at times? Was I more wild or less wild than you thought? Once again, I'd like to personally thank you, for your readership and for also passing along kind, and beneficial reviews. I'd ask for constructive reviews moving forward, yet am doubtful, I'll ever write a 3rd book. We shall see. Writing, creating, editing and publishing an original book is a beefy, mountainous task. It is a labor performed out of creative love. I wrote this piece, by unique piece.
So here goes. Hypothetical Ending #3. Insert Dreamy Cloud and Waves for Visual Effect. We're going to call this the "All Around Ending"
Upon completion of his second philosophical memoir book, with perspectives on sociological themes, our author continues to outfit as a living human on this earth. He has now viewed, been a part of, and witnessed a large spectrum of humanity. His present and future goal is to become an All Around Good Man. He decides in lieu of breaking off directly towards either the family man, or single freedom oriented life, he will attempt to become a welcoming aspect to all of the earth, society, and that which humanity has to offer.
In the circle of life, he yearns to become as well rounded and well versed as possible. He'll continue to take risks, have fun, make mistakes, meet new people, relish old friends, and more. He will not become overly saturated upon just one element or facet in life. His goal is to live a successful life in regards to work, family, love, spiritual, health, kindness, respect, order, exploration, prosperity and numerous more worthy themes. As a refined man of the current world, he will listen to others, he will input his own wise experience as needed, and he will continue to seek joy, challenges, and newness in life! He will strive to become the best version of himself he can be. He will continue to learn from his mistakes, and consciously try not to repeat them.
He hopes you, fellow human, may improve too. Like himself, he hopes you will learn to rise above the fray, to do what is just, right and the truth. He hopes you shall take the High Road with him to the lands of understanding, care, thoughtfulness and appreciation. He advocates that if desired, you will become a well rounded, wholesome person yourself.
I, George Vance wish for our society to drift towards an improbable Utopia. Why does it seem as if we as a society regress and fall backwards sometimes? Whats up with that? When the days of hatred, prejudice, intolerance, crime, and cruelty are over, we will be making positive strides forward. Let's mutually decide to make our world the best it can be. We each have our own unique strengths and talents.
As my life plays out, and until it eventually ends, my goal is to embody the soul and best version of humanity I can ever be.. I hope you have a wonderful life too!


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