Conclusion II

As the Sample Spectrum eventually concludes, I'd like to personally thank the readers for their time, input, viewership, and all. Every artist simply hopes their creativity, and artist craft is embraced, or at minimum recognized. This book has been an enjoyable process, and a process in which there was no set plan. It was written with complete originality. There was zero outside influence, in regards to forced literary direction. This book is a testament to the United States, 1st Amendment, which allows the absolute freedom of speech. What is freedom, if not used?
In this episode of choose your own conclusion, here goes Hypothetical Conclusion II..
Insert Dreamy Wave sequence....
As our author continues to develop into full ripe, and finely aged manhood, he decides to stay on the path of singleness and personal freedom. For George Vance's second half of life, he stays in the familiar lane of bachelorhood, work, income, dating, fun, and travel. Our leader rejects his inner feelings for family, and companionship in hopes of further adventure and entertainment.
In example numero uno, he is able to successfully, sell, close and earn between 30,000 to 50,000 dollars worth of money, and commissions. With this saved wealth, our writer embarks on a foreign adventure to the lands of South America. Using his collegiate, and pre-learned Spanish Speaking skills, he embarks upon a lengthy escapade. He begins by flying via commercial airplane into the country of Colombia. He lands in Bogota, and immediately is viewed as a blonde, blue eyed, tall golden species of pure beauty. The residents of Latin America are amazed by his foreign uniqueness, kindness, gentle attitude, and friendly hospitality. The residents of South America embrace him, especially the worldly, exotic and beautiful females. Once settled, our hero navigates his way towards an energetic or lazy coastal beach town. He locates a cheap monthly longer term rental, and makes an instant home. He purchases a surf board, and begins every morning of sound and fresh mind, with a healthy breakfast, and authentic, caffeinated Colombian coffee buzz. He learns to shred the ocean's waves. His skin, hair and complexion, becomes even more brazenly golden. After time, his Spanish language tongue improves. Just like in the tales of the Jungle Book, and in Tarzan, George Vance becomes one within Latin American culture and society. Gone are the worries derived from the capitalism, email, and media driven American Life. George Vance, now at blissful, and happy peace, enables his body to relax, and reverses the angst self inflicted human wrinkles embedded upon him by North America's pressures and pratfalls. It is in Latin America, by the ocean, with a tasty beer, beautiful woman, and scenic view by his side, that complete contentedness arrives. In addition, to the peaceful lifestyle, he continues to party, disco and dance at night. He gets laid by new, different, and beautiful exotic women on a weekly, and frequent basis. He has no complaints! He is free and living life to his own definition's fullness.
Hypothetical Different personal Freedom Scenario number 2...Insert New Dreamy, Visual Wave, sequence...
George Vance realizing, his youth, handsomeness, and shelf life may be waivering towards its last laps, gets up and blindly moves to Los Angeles California. Why? Why not? The year round weather is spectacular. He wonders and sees all of his contemporary Hollywood hunks having success, being on screen and living it up, so why not him? Thus he moves to Los Angelos to try and usurp the Hollywood actor establishment, and craft a segment niche of fame for himself. Once there, he becomes a male model again for the 2nd time. He goes on auditions, gets a part time job, and leases a studio in a neighborhood he feels safe living in. While residing in California, he takes day trips to the Beach. He travels upwards to the Pacific Northwest, and drives to Portland Oregon, Seattle, and Vancouver. Upon his return to Southern California, he continues his new geographical explorations. He lands acting roles in commercials, television shows and movies. Amazingly he is NOT a victim of the Boulevard of Broken Dreams, and relies on his height, sturdy looks, and James Bond piercing eyes to secure his new found roles and fame. With his newfound glory, our author finds picking up attractive women is much easier. No longer is he just another pretty face in the crowd. Instead he is a pretty well known face. His west Coast bachelorhood continues. Despite his numerous new model lovers, he remains child free. Whether that requires a morning after pill purchase, safe condom use, or only sleeping with pretty ladies, currently on prescribed birth control. Planned Parenthood is a priority people. Our author retains his freedom at all costs. He is not bogged down by anything. Despite his recent fame, George Vance keeps his southern gentlemen skills, and well raised morals in tact. He is confident, outgoing, enjoyable, yet kind and sincere. His direct candor and honesty is welcomed and appreciated in LaLa Land.
So there ya go people, there's the two most obvious Sample Spectrum hypothetical conclusions I could come up with. Is one better than the other? Depends on the reader and who you are. In Conclusion II, the ending theme, is that our writer continues and never relinquishes his singleness and freedom. He is not tied down to 1 lone person, place or thing. He is free, slightly famous, beachy, fun, pretty, healthy, manly and glorious.
Does he get lonely? Not for long


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