Conclusion I

The Sample Spectrum writing and creation process has been a natural and therapeutic process for me. It has honestly, and mostly joyously fleshed out certain back stories and current time periods of my life. In addition, I've also hoped to shed some light upon our modern day and current society. As a youthful man of the people, feel my existential outlook on this year and times before, is congruent with the remainder of American and world society.
One of my goals for this specific book, and for the "The Sample Spectrum" was to be a beacon, and towering flag of history for myself and the world around me. One day in the present and future, I hope future students, society and people are able to read this expansive collection of stories, adventures, societal outlooks, and strong opinions on our Earthly world. You, our wonderful Spectrum reader may judge this book any which way you like. The more the merrier. I appreciate you!
Maybe one day, the "Sample Spectrum" will be considered a fantastic cultural and historical book of its era. Just as "the Catcher in the Rye," and "To Kill a Mockingbird" have stood the decades test of time. I hope too, the Sample Spectrum remains relevant forever. It was written with the most directness I was capable of writing. Whereas some authors are able to fill a book to 300 pages or more with clutter and b.s, my writing style is authentic, direct, and succinct. Our modern culture of speed, work, and business just rarely has the time, attention span or energy to sift through seas of wording, plot and information. When I write, the Sample Spectrum, I just go for it. Sometimes in life you win, sometimes in life you lose. But one can never win by just sitting on the bench and letting life waft by. I have learned over the years, that the instigator, decision maker, and aggressor usually has the upper had. There is a phrase that the "Meek shall inherit the Earth". Well they have not yet and I doubt meek folks. The meek will continue to be meek and unnoticed. It's called marketing people. If you are amazing, or something is amazing, but your message is never put forth or sent out, what happens? No one knows amazing even happened. Eventually some form of media must broadcast human achievements and advancements for them to be recognized.
So as the "The Sample Spectrum" concludes, how will your life end up, George? How will it really conclude? What's in your future horizon? The answer is, I don't really know. Let's go with this hypothetical for today.
Hypothetical George Vance future and life ending.....Insert Dreamy Wave Sequence...
The author, GVM, at the mid-life age of 35, eventually finds his 1st wife, while still in his 30's. Where and how he met his future wife will remain a mystery. Thus, I become a married man before the age of 40 years old. Once married, and with the joy, and zeal for partying and new women no longer an option, my life will be forever changed. As a shackled, now humbled, and hopefully happy married man, my priorities shift. My new priorities become my new trophy wife and potential for family. In this conclusive hypothetical scenario, my priorities are heavily shifted toward work, income and career advancement. I place much more interest in and effort into obtaining new business, working business, closing deals, and basically working all the time. A wife, house, and children do not come easily or cheap. This potential for family growth will be costly. As a married man in my 40's I will be required to seriously settle down. I will become boring. How many interesting married men have you ever met? I'll exercise, sleep, love, and work. With the exception of travel, I do not foresee this lifestyle being super exciting. It is quite possible, the Sample Spectrum will be my last, final, and most interesting read ever. It has superseded "Open Mindful" with shenanigans, intrigue, sex, joy, randomness and adventure.
I mean who would honestly want to read a memoir book about a boring, married man living in the suburbs. That sounds like a free sedation book as medicine. A literal Ambian pill.
In conclusion number #1, GVM becomes happily married, settles as a working family man. Who knows, it could be glorious!


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