Introducing..."the Vance Collection." 3 indie paperback published books by Author George Vance McGee


The Vance Collection

The Nation We Live In, $13.50 on Amazon. "The next best thing to sharing a couple of beers and conversation with a new friend, George Vance McGee's The Nation We Live In is a collection of essays and tales set mostly in Austin, Texas but ranging all over the map in subject matter. Whether you agree or disagree with the amiably opinionated author, you'll find yourself engaged, sometimes surprised, and always ready to keep reading. Highly recommended." Online Book Reviewer
Click here; The Nation We Live In a Collection of Essays and Short Stories
"Mr McGee offers a collection of life adventures and bounding travel tales that light up the imagination and tether the reader to his positive view of the world. Hard to believe this raw honesty was published, free of an editors' constraints and shackles. Like El Chapo, McGee escapes the confines of modern literature and presents a fresh perspective on travel and dating in this Brave New World. If I was moving to Austin I would look him up, either for a new home or a new friend." LuLu Online Book Review
Click here to Purchase, "Attractive Tales from Grand Cities, a Social Memoir."
Click here for a 50 minute PODCAST Episode, "Weird Austin Podcast" Author Conversation
"Mr. McGee's self help book is aptly titled. I love his cavalier writing style ("philosophy on the fly") that keeps things fresh, never boring. Mr. McGee is refreshingly honest, he does not attempt to sugar coat his ideas. He says what he thinks.
Open Mindful isn't your traditional self help book. It's full of stories/anecdotes from his life that engage the reader on a personal level; for me, this made it more accessible and less of a chore (like other self help books can be with all their worksheets and chapter exercises).
It was about finding what you need to work on, but it's also about accepting who you are and owning it, no one does it better than Mr. McGee. Something special." 
Online Book Review
Click here to Purchase "Open Mindful Philosophy on the Fly"
Click here, Where the Book started; The Open Mindful BLOG
Indie Beacon You-Tube Video Interview Show
Copyright © 2020 GeorgeVanceMcGee, All rights reserved.


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