Worthwhile Fighting.

I personally have never truly participated in an authentic, enraged, fist throwing, barbaric fight. I have not ever intentionally made a painful, and powerful effort to use my fists, or feet to physically hurt and injure another human. I somehow managed to skip the middle school fighting phase. I have never been "jumped" by a stranger, and as an adult have been street smart enough to abstain from all physical fighting altercations. Good for me, I guess. Despite my personal clean and barren record, to this moment, I occasionally feel the desire to physically fight and just punch the hell out of another person. Maybe I DO, need to get into a rough and tumble human altercation, just to get it out of my system, and let off some steam. I can empathize and relate to fighters and their innate desire to hurt another person. It happens. Can physical human fighting be just? Yes, for sure. For example, if one were to fight in self defense, or to save another human's life fro...