The PRIME time of Life.

Let's contemplate and discuss a human's, "PRIME-TIME" of their life. Deion Sanders of NFL football Hall of Fame glory, was officially nicknamed PRIMETIME. His nickname was derived from his exciting play at either cornerback, wide receiver, in the slot, or on punt and kickoff returns. Deion was electric on the field, and had ridiculous breakaway speed! Amazingly he was also a pro MLB baseball player too. What could he not do on a field? When watching Dion, you never really knew what to expect, but a highlight was just one play away.
As fellow humans, when do we reach our individual, "PRIME-TIME" in life? While bicycling on the hike and bike trail the other day, an ex ASM real estate client, former Dell employee, and current realtor gave me this advice.... "George, enjoy these PRIME YEARS of your life. They run from 32 to about 38 or so." As I write this today, I am roughly 34.5 years in age. Have I reached my prime's HALFTIME?
Personally, I have still never been injured. All of my joints, remaining athleticism, and abilities are completely capable. Also, my physical figure is officially in man mode. I am required to shave my facial hair more often. My broad shoulders are very sturdy, and my figure is stout and thick. While parading out in the world, I get female glazes from the Sample Spectrum of women. My current dating range is from say 19 to 35. Ideally I'd be lucky enough to date a 23, 24, or 25 year old lady. That would be perfect! Leonardo Di Caprio is my dating role model. Research his track record, and you'll agree.
So George, why do you prefer to date women a few years younger? Here is my intellectual reasoning. Supposedly women can give birth to children up until the age of 40. Thus if I were to date a 35 year old woman, my "SHOT CLOCK" for deciding, and creating children, would be just 5 years. I'd have to start shooting immediately. Where as, if I were to date a girl in her 20's, the time table and window to create a family would be wider. As a real estate consultant, I've learned clients and people want options. So, just like them, I'd like for there to at least be an OPTION when dating, to perhaps, just maybe start a family.
Moving forward, let's continue to discuss a human's individual, PRIME TIME of Life.
It appears actors, and actresses each have prime-time years too. Have you ever noticed the difference between a young, vibrant John Travolta and the elderly one. The youthful Travolta could dance, act, had real hair, and was handsome. The elderly Travolta has a fat face, mispronounces words, and is no longer a heartthrob. I hope he enjoyed his life during those PRIME YEARS, because they have probably faded.
On the female side, Christina Applegate used to be really hot and attractive. At least in my opinion. When she played the daughter role on the raunchy TV Show, "Married with Children," she was a total hottie! Imagine blonde, slender, slightly busty, youthful and sexy. To me, those were her PRIME TIME years. Nowadays, although she is still very funny (Anchorman the Movie is a film requirement) she tends to play the Mom, and parenting roles. Not the same excitement level for attraction. Although I've slept with a MILF or two, they are not my preferred choice. Hey readers, everybody has their unique thing right?
As the summer Olympics in Rio De Jenerio creep up, we can use "GYMNASTS" as an example for having a feverishly short PRIME athletic career. The medal winning female gymnasts are literally, little girls. The winners often range in age from 14 to 19. That is stupid young. Once a girl gymnast hits the 20 year old, 2 decade mark in age, her athletic gymnast career is virtually over. Thus their PRIME is a meager 4-6 years. Sad, but true.
The moral of the story today, is to be cognizant and recognize when you, as an individual human are currently in the PRIME OF YOUR LIFE. Is that moment now? Is that time period on the horizon? Remember Father Time is undefeated. Some people age more gracefully than others. Some people can extend their PRIME YEARS. (think Jared Leto, Helen Mirren, Brad Pitt) While for other humans it is genetically more difficult to remain on stoic prime mode for lengthy periods of time. There is no fountain of youth. If you find it, let me know.
Personally I, GVM, may be in the PRIME YEARS of my life. Intrinsically, I feel an inner void to be working harder, getting after it, traveling, buying real estate, and dating tons of beautiful women. You know, overall just getting after it, and grabbing life by the bull horns. Every human has their "Hay Day". So when your PRIME YEARS are in the flow, be aggressive. Go Dominate Life. Because when your prime years are over, just like the NBA SPURS Legend Tim Duncan, you'll have to past the TORCH down to the NEXT GENERATION.


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