The Smart Phone Age

Today's economy, society, and social practices revolve around the SMART PHONE. What is a SMART PHONE? If you don't know by now, you are behind the technology curve for sure. The Smart phone is an all powerful, encompassing mobile technology device.
This style of phone has the ability to get Wi-Fi Internet, place and receive phone calls, send and read text messages, email, google map locations, and also browse numerous "Apps" or computer like applications. It seems all industries have an APP. There is an APP for News, Facebook, Twitter, Games, Dating, Flashlights, Cab Companies, Food Delivery, and tons more.(Think Tinder, CNN, Uber, Lfyt, Gmail, Favor, Bumble, Instagram and more). If one can envision a reason or cause for an application, It probably exists.
The power of the device, is that it allows communication, news, and information to be available to the owner geographically, almost anywhere! It is mobile communication bliss. I have helped clients and tenants close on a Hi-Rise Lease @ the Spring Building downtown on a smart phone, while I was sunbathing shirtless at the Barton Springs pool. The Smart phone enables humanity to work, socialize, live, and widen their reach on the go, on the fly, and in the air.
Personally I truly enjoy the information, communication data, news, and power of the Smart Phone. The Smart phone has been a glorious social and business invention. At work, I can app check the current active MLS on the go. I can view email at coffee shops. I can also google map exact properties, while simultaneously showing properties. These devices are a blessing and beneficial human advancement. We Cave-people sure have evolved!
On the flip side, some opponents of the smart phone and social media, think this mainstream technology is a social deterrent. I agree wholeheartedly. They are correct. Smart phones can be addictive. In the past, people actually spoke to each other in social settings, and happily engaged in truthful conversations. Today they stare at their smart phones instead.
Next time you, our wise Sample Spectrum reader, are at a coffee shop, place of business or park, take a gander at society. You'll notice people staring at their smart phone, in lieu of gazing at the world, or conversing with the human company they are adjacent to. It has also made Society even lazier. With the app FAVOR, people don't even leave their apartments to eat. They just keep watching TV on their fat butts, and pay for a worker to bring them food. Whatever happened to the grocery store, cooking, and believing in EARTH's FRESH AIR! In another example, Texting and driving has become a nationwide crisis. Some researchers think texting and driving is worse than drinking and driving. X the Text, when you are behind the wheel of a gas powered machine, and pseudo weapon.
The Smart phone has hampered modern romance and dating. In yesteryear, romantic interests were met and picked up out in the real world. A single man would meet a new date at a social party, in line at a store, outside at the park, or walking down the street. Today's dating applications have removed those natural joys. In today's smart phone age, single citizens hope for a MATCH on Tinder or Bumble. These dating applications have become so prevalent in our new culture, people are getting married off of them. While talking to a Bachelorette group in the Rainey District, a bride to be said she met her husband via the APP Tinder. Yes, her life long husband and partner on Tinder. Is that the story we want to tell our extended family at the wedding? How did you all meet? I meet my wife on a dating application. Hmm...I don't know. How do you feel about this?
Has the Smart Phone Age progressed humanity and society? Yes. But has it also ripped away part of our natural humanity, and innate human behavioral instincts. I vote yes here too. Like anything in life, there are pros and cons. My humble advice is to use the smart to your advantage, and abstain from letting the smart phone become the boss of you.


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