Questioning the Law.

What were those old white guys smoking tobacco and practicing slavery really thinking, when they CREATED THE LAW. The LAW is just words, government rules, and one person's interpretation of how society should be governed. The founding fathers of the USA and constitution drafted their self made rules over 3 centuries ago. Should we as humanity in the modern age of transportation, technology, and medicine still really adhere to what graveyard people were thinking over 300 years ago?
I think at minimum, society has every right to at least question the law. Are laws just, and righteous? Sometimes. Are Laws inhumane and horrible? Sometimes. I view Governmental LAWS as human crafted rules. They are an attempt to reel in and normalize society.
The act and process of creating a LAW, seems unique to me. elected governmental legislator is going to just imagine and write up a regulatory absolute statement, that should then cover all of society and humanity. Every person is different. Every city is different. Every situation is different. Every human is different. Maybe there should be NO ABSOLUTE LAWS, and government regulations?
Lately, the more and more I watch and view government, the sadder and sadder it becomes. Governments pretend to present an image to the people, that they are there to help. Newsflash, their not really. The Government is just as selfish as your capitalistic neighbor and corporate company. The Government wants to bureaucratically regulate businesses and society, so they can acquire money, themselves. They want our money to pay for their wars, streets, their own cushy government jobs, new municipal unnecessary buildings, government funded programs, and tons more. I've completely lost faith in my local city government. They have successfully ruined multiple entrepreneurial American Private Businesses. In my home-town, there was a time when Home Away, Vacation Rentals, and the VRBO Industry was thriving! Our local government forced its way into regulate it, and thus has halted, curbed and tainted the vacation hotel alternative industry. Boo!
Next up, the RideShare private companies of UBER and LYFT. Our local city government, again forced it's hand into private business for their own selfish, unnecessary reasons. Our local government is similar to the paparazzi hounding celebrities. They just won't leave you at peace. They ruined it. Our burgeoning metropolis, and car required city, now has even fewer transportation options. Uber and Lyft officially left the city today. I was honestly sad to be a local citizen today. It was a first. I was ashamed of my hometown on the national stage. Never again will I call my hometown liberal, progressive and forward thinking. Nope, looks like I really am stuck deep in the Heart of backwards Red state Texas. Where's that WEST COAST citizenry when you need it?
Moving forward time will tell, heal, or make things worse. Who knows? I voted, and did my part.
One thing in life you learn as you grow older and wiser, is to focus on the controllable's. Here is a truth I have learned in time. Focus on the personal things within your power. Focus on your schedule, decision making and work ethic. Do not lose sleep, or bite your fingernails off worrying about other people. Other people are not you. Other people are other people. Other people make their own decisions. Let them.
Our moral theme is to remember that it is okay to simply question the LAW. Lawyers have been interpreting, fighting, judging, changing and working the LAW for years, decades and centuries. The interesting part in this, is that ALL LAWS are just made up. ALL of THEM. Just like Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Disney World, they were created by a human's brain, and its imagination. So, is it okay to protest your government, yes? Is it okay to question the Law, yes? Just don't go too overboard.
There is a fantastic punk song by the CLASH, titled, "I Fought the Law and the Law Won". My humble advice to you, our intelligent, fantastic Sample Spectrum reader is to simply question the law. Don't break the law. Don't be a criminal. Think about it. Try your best to use democracy, and your voting power to its fullest.


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