Shopping for Love.

Where are the BEST and WORST places to look for love from the opposite sex? Where should one go to SHOP for love? Is there a retail store? Should it be done online?
Sometimes I wish looking for love, was as easy as consumerist shopping. Sometimes I wish love could be ordered as easily as a hot pizza, delivered right to your front door. In actuality, it is NEVER that easy.
The sample spectrum of courtship, getting the phone number, dating, adjusting to comfort levels, can often be a lethargic, lumbering ordeal. Love is not always just a fun, fleeting, glorious one night stand. Personally, I do enjoy sexy one night stands though, and used to have them with more frequency. Have one-night stands gone OUT OF STYLE? Perhaps southern woman are more conservative than those in NYC. What do you think?
Where is the BEST place to look for love? For example, is it ideal to pick-up your NEW LOVE interest at the grocery store, the neighborhood park, the bar, a friends referral, a house party, or by just walking down the street. A recent Saturday Night Live skit professed the most intelligent method to find potential new interests, was to just "go outside". I viewed the humorous sketch as a funny, yet accurate skit.
Is there a WORST place to look for love? For example, are there some sectors of life, where possible love interests should be avoided? For example is it improper to meet a new love interest while riding the subway, in the professional workplace, at a divey bar? Here is a question specifically to the Girl readers, are there certain areas of life where you detest being hit on, or wish to abstain from male attention?
Personally for me, I have met and dated a plethora of girls, ladies and woman, from all walks of life. In addition, while looking for love, there is not just 1 destination spot. The entire world is a shopping ground for potential love interest. I never truly know where my next girlfriend, or day I say future wife, may enter my life.
My most recent love interest was discovered in the Rainey Bar District of Downtown Austin, while I was simply out and about having fun. A different recent love interest was met while dining at a 24 hour eating establishment. Personally I've had a couple dates via tinder and online sources, but those have not generated any long term loving relationships, thus far. A few of the online girl dates were very physically attractive, to their credit. One of my favorite and sweetest girlfriends of all time, I met at the Laundrymat in New York City. I was just being a helpful gentlemen that day to a beautiful exotic young girl. She gave me her phone number, we dated, and happily stayed together for 1 year. She even asked me to move-in and live with her, that is how much she loved me. She hoped for the next step in our relationship journey. It never really came.
I think the moral of this story, is that the whole world is a sample spectrum for finding love. There is no 1 for sure method, location or type of situation to find love. Some people say, it is best to find love, when you are NOT actually searching for it? We single people, can't afford that form of passive-ism. Everyday is a new day, and we yearn for a bit of loving attention.
What do you think? How do you feel about your quest and search for love? How did you meet your current romantic love partner and interest?


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