Curiously what are your
"USUAL DAYS" like? Are they similar to Bill Murray's life in the movie
Ground Hog Day. If you have or have not seen
Groundhog Day, its a movie where the lead character's days run in similarly eerily fashion on repeat.
Some people enjoy the sameness and routine of life, while others sometimes must be prepared for the randomness.
Here is a an example of what my
"USUAL DAY" has been like for the past 3 to 4 years since I returned to Austin, Texas, after living in NYC for 5 years.
I usually wake up in my studio duplex 1 bedroom in the central west Austin neighborhood of Clarksville. Each neighborhood in Austin is unique and has it's own moniker or nickname. Thus I have resided daily in Clarksville for 3 years roughly. My wake-up time varies between 7 am at the earliest to 10 am on a Sleepy Day. I slowly wake-up and watch the Today Show or Morning News Channels to catch up on outside world relevance. If I'm feeling audio-ish, I google chromecast my favorite MUSIC from You-Tube upon my flat screen TV. Lately I've been playing SKA music in the mornings, because of its upbeat and happier sounds.
After a shower, shave, rinse off, cleaning, and towel dry, I commence with clothing. My clothing style, I would describe as
youthful urban professional. My outfits are neither too college kid looking or old man suit lawyer. My fashion style is middle of the road,
in hopes of relating to ALL WALKS OF PEOPLE. The Sample Spectrum if you will?
Once completely dressed I either drive or walk to a nearby coffee/breakfast spot. I work from home, so this element of getting out of the home in the AM is imperative! I Feel it gives me a zest and authentic human feel for the new business day. At the coffee spot, I check my emails. Often the incoming emails will guide the day's physical actions. The morning emails will either lead me to contracts and docusign or perhaps to an in-person meeting or property showing. One of the joys of working in residential real estate is the freedom of the schedule. The cons of real estate, is not having a guaranteed salary, even if you ARE really working. Every industry has its real word pros and cons.
The weekend usual is a whole different story.
After breakfast, coffee, and iphone email checking, I head back to the Clarksville Studio. Sometimes, I'll spend the morning or afternoon in "Scout" mode. This is where I drive around central Austin looking for "off market, for sale by owner, for rent, and various different properties." Although the internet does provide me some leads via craigslist and zillow, the street wisdom and real neighborhood touring is advantageous as well. The most expensive home, I have sold to date, was a for sale by owner I personally and randomly called upon while driving in Barton Hills. I have a
"guerrilla business development philosophy"
The Usual weekday for me is spent, with half of it being outside, combing the market, looking for new Silent Market property, and the other half inside with my charged iphone and laptop. The joy of my usual day, is a mix of both indoors and outdoors.
Also during the course of the usual day, as a Consultant (lets be honest, I'm a licensed salesman) I am presented with the joys of successful news, and the painful lows of rejection. An example of awesome news, would be a signed contract coming to my email inbox, a new client asking for MLS representation, or a willing and able buyer ready to purchase. An example of the low, bummer news, would be a tenant finding a lease or different deal without me. Or perhaps a potential client deciding to hire a different business model, outside of my fantastic brokerage.
I usually cease inquires, and business calls around 5:30 to 6 pm. Then I'll grab my athletic shorts and head towards the hike and bike trail.
I love the nature, water, citizenry, people, and health derived from Lady Bird Town Lake in Austin, Texas.. It is the only and best exercise I get. The new pedestrian bridges connecting the city from north, east, west and south are plenty to rumble on.
Upon completion of the exercise trail, I text, phone, facebook or hope to find an attractive female date for the evening.
Being single sometimes is WORK too. On better nights, I get to meet up with a lovely girl to talk, have drinks, and see what happens? On nights where I get zero female responses back, I happily spend time watching CABLE TV, NBA Basketball, CNN Political News, or my favorite Late Night TV Hosts.
Then I go to sleep and start the
THE USUAL, the next day.
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