Privacy. Where art thou?

In this modern current day and age, it seems like the art of privacy is slowing going the way of the buffalo. Could human privacy one day become extinct? Where does privacy live and how can we save it?
With the advent of social media, government agency watchdogs, and neighbor lot lines creeping closer to each other, the art of privacy is becoming tougher to acquire.
How do you feel about privacy? Do you cherish it, or are you willing to accept the spotlight of life's actions and choices?
Personally for me, I am a mix of both private and public. As a real life writer, and as the "The Sample Spectrum" happily displays, I often advertise, promote, and willing disclose my personal lifestyle, real tales, and honest cultural opinions. Thus, this emptying of the soul and diary hopes to engage readers, people and friends. I think deep down, writers just simply yearn for readers, feedback and response. They hope their voice is heard, and listened to, regardless of the reader's emotions. Whether you are lovingly entertained or loathe my writing, any thoughtful feedback is appreciated. Your intelligent comments are embraced.
As a public writer, author, and blogger, I still believe in personal human PRIVACY. Unfortunately for my fellow Sample Spectrum readers, I do not disclose to you, ALL of my life shenanigans, wild nights outs, or personal touchdowns. I often save those for cherished friends, whom might appreciate and be trust worthy of these unique personal exploits.
As an avid, urban life dweller, I am totally comfortable with the physical human masses of big city life.Big City life, makes me feel alive, and part of the beautiful constant revolving earth. I personally don't feel the need for exclusive privacy or hermit like shadows. How do you feel about privacy?
For example, one of my younger brother's best childhood friends has become somewhat of a recluse in recent years. This intelligent, cool, easy going young fellow earned an English degree, from the Univ. of Cal-Berkeley. This young man was admitted to and gainfully graduated from Cal Berkeley in San Francisco. A top tier national school, I think. What has he used his desirable degree on? From what I have witnessed, nothing. Instead of working and entering the real world, this great fellow has continued to live in desolate country states amid remote ranches and farms in Colorado and Montana. I wonder what my brother's friends reasoning is? What is he thinking? Is he afraid of corporate America? Is he shy? Is he putting of adulthood? In my opinion, it seems like he is wasting his talents and intellect.
Moving on, perhaps nowadays privacy lives OFF the internet and into the country. My bet is people "off the grid" whom purposely choose to not participate in social media and the internet retain more privacy. If one, coupled internet abstinence with a hill country residential address, that might create major privacy.
Does privacy lends itself to a happier life? Or, are you similar to me, and welcome the notion of your life being an open book? Personally I enjoy creating, reading, and participating in social media. I love writing about the intimacies of my life on this planet, and embrace sharing it with all potential readers.
So whether you are an "out there social life blaster", or a hunkered down private person, either choice in lifestyle is understandable. Maybe I should have a place in the country AND in the heart of the city? Then I could test the lifestyle and wanderings of both situations. What do you think or suggest?
As technology advances, and urban hi-rise communal living becomes more common, embrace the evolution of privacy and where it is going. Privacy is not dead, you just have to find it.


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