A Man's Own Merit.

When does a male, truly transform from a child, adolescent, and youth, into a legitimate full grown man? Should "manhood" be considered a physical achievement? Is "manhood" achieved once a state of adulthood, responsibility and grown-up level is conquered? Is "manhood" acquired once a male has become a rainmaker and created his own family? A family, for example with a wife and children? When is a male officially a truthful, gentle, full legitimate grown MAN? I am simply curious? In my humble opinion, a man's own merit is achieved at different time levels for each us. For example, let us a say a young boy, loses his father tragically to death at a youthful age. To such sadness as say war, a traffic accident or medical loss. If a youth under the age of 18, loses his father to death, this would probably force the boy to grow up faster than is necessary. Sometimes a man, must grow out of his father's shadows and legacy. For example, when P...