The Beautiful People Museum

What do you really want right now in life? What do you yearn for? What is that dreamy item, place, person or thing, you believe would place your life OVER THE TOP?
As I've noticed working in the residential realty service industry, each unique person always WANTS something. My job is to help people acquire what they uniquely WANT. Whether their objective is cheap land for a builder, a fantastic scenic view for a new owner, or an immaculate kitchen for the Mrs. Each client has a different want. So, since my daily life routine SHOULD BE, focusing and filling the wants of others, now is my turn.
Here is my public forum to tell you what I dream for, and want! You may notice, some of these specific wish list items, I have personally already obtained in the past. I'm in the 3rd decade of life, where I truly ponder, what is there really left for me to do here on Earth? I have had a great personal run. Does God have a different calling for me, now and in the future? We as fellow humans, are constantly wondering what our true life cause is.
This is what I personally want. I want to wake up, live, and constantly be surrounded by beautiful people and women. All the time 24 hours a days, 7 days a week. I want to live among-st and be one of the "beautiful people". Just like the infamous Marilyn Manson song, I got reprimanded for playing at my former place of work once. The management thought the Beautiful People, Marilyn Manson song was too loud, powerful and vulgar. To me, it is an energetic, fun rock song.
In my current city within America, I am often surrounded by slobs, unattractive, and gross people. Does the citizenry in Europe or Latin America let themselves go, as poorly as the USA does? If you live in America, you understand what I mean. Our USA culture of fast food, fat people, driving, cigarettes, no walking, TV binge watching, and overeating leads to an unhealthy, ugly, and non appealing citizenry. Perhaps our nation's homeliness is a cultural dilemma? Maybe that is why beautiful people on Twitter and Instagram are FOLLOWED on social media so heavily? Hmm... How can we make our society more attractive?
Now, George, why do you wish to live and be amongst pretty people? Because it makes me happier on the inside, being around the presence of physical beauty. Living amongst beautiful people in the neighborhoods of Downtown SoHo NYC, Nolita Manhattan, South Beach Miami, and almost any University campus elicits this personal joy. Beautiful people are like Beautiful Art! Attractive, well cared for, fashioned, and groomed citizens are the Picasso, Andy Warhol, Monet, Van Gogh, and Mark Rothko's of ART. I think we can all agree that magnificent ART is a wonderful thing! Beautiful People are similar to Beautiful Art, except with people, sometimes you have the chance to converse and maybe play with them, if you are lucky.
What are the BEST ART MUSEUMS in the world? Personally thus far, I have attended the MoMA & Met in NYC, and the Guggenheim in Bilbao, Spain. Those are my top three ART MUSEUMS. Which Museum must I next try to view?
Am I omitting a beautiful place on this earth, that possess beautiful people? If so, readers, please SHARE these dreamy destinations, and I will work hard to travel and go there. Perhaps Milan,Italy? Beunos Aires Argentina? Rio de Jenero in Brazil? Stockholm, Sweden?
What do you, our Sample Spectrum readership personally want? More Money, a loving partner, absolute health? Please share.
You now know, what I want, at least today. That is to live, be, and breathe amongst the BEAUTIUL PEOPLE.


  1. "Slobs, unattractive, and gross people..." Beauty doesn't last forever. I'm sure you've heard the phrase "even the Mona Lisa is falling apart." You come off as shallow and materialistic from your writing. "Don't judge a book by its cover"

    Vanity: [van-i-tee]
    noun, plural vanities.
    excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc.; character or quality of being vain; conceit:

  2. It'd be fun to live in a beautiful neighborhood with beautiful people. Also, I think Americas car, fast food culture inhibits the health and looks of its citizens.


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