The Spinning World.

Timing and Decision making. To me, its seems the later two are intertwined together. Have you, our wonderful reader, ever noticed that your personal life decisions change, depending on the current mood and timing?
For example, if at the age of 25, I had been offered a job, and residence in say....North Carolina, or Arizona, or a foreign land, I would have said HELL NO and rejected it. Why, because when I was 25 years old, I was gainfully and happily employed at the Hotel Gansevoort, living in Midtown West Manhattan, partying with celebrities and feeling the limelight of the Big Apple. I lived in happy awe, within the Meatpacking District's energetic environment. At that time, I had zero desire for change, and was content with the status-quo.
Fast forward to that exact previous question today, and at a reserved, refined age of 34, I would take a much hardier and genuine look. Maybe I would actually uproot and move. Who knows? The question about a change in city or occupational surroundings, asked today, would personally be received with more of an open mind.
In the Sample Spectrum of life, our world albeit slowly, is constantly spinning and revolving. For example, how you think and feel this exact moment, and as you read this, will contrast differently in the 1 hour future, even more so a week from now, and even more vastly 1 month from this moment. Time changes and affects the decision making process.
Just because you ethically, morally, or physically feel strongly about a specific item, person, or thing right now, does NOT mean, in the immediate to longer term future, you might not change your mind. People flip flop on decisions. It's ok when it happens. People change their minds often.
A prime example of the spinning, "every day is new", philosophy is in my daily real estate work and happenings. Sometimes through my work, relationships, and professional talents, I am able to deliver valid contract capable buyers to property owners and sellers. Sometimes these sellers reject or disapprove of the authentic buying energy. The original offer may be too low, or the terms not perfect. As an agent and real estate messenger, it is my job to simply deliver the facts and each client's unique ideals. Finding the happy middle ground on a real estate transaction, can be a hurdle.
Yet...let's say we move forward, 1 week, 1 month or 1 year in time. Often these exact same sellers tend to change their tune. Life happens. Maybe these selling mode clients, have had a change in job or finances, maybe their equity has increased. Sometimes property owners grimace in horror, as their rising property taxes protrude. The point I am trying to make, is that the exact question asked today, may or may not have a different answer depending on the time it is received. It is why some people say, with big decisions, it is best to "sleep on it."
For example if you, a friend or family member said, hey George would you care to get married and or have children? Well today, even at a healthy, vibrant and handsome age of 34, I'd say no. But ask me that exact same question in 3 to 8 years, and there might be a different answer. It's a lifestyle timing issue.
Sometimes life is about timing. Some say, "everything happens for a reason". I'm not so sure about that prof-icy. I do personally believe in determinism. Determinism to me, is grabbing life by the reins, and making things happen. Each person is their OWN LIFE PRODUCER. You, me, your neighbors, and each individual citizen is the Movie Director of their own life. My suggestion for you, is to focus on life's controllables, and let the remainder fall to society and fate.
If you take a moment to reflect, realize that perhaps your personal life merriment and activities may change as you grow, age, and evolve. It's fine. Run with life! Understand the world is spinning, and won't stand still for me, you or anything else. So let's spin with it, together.


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