Generating Everything.

Lately, I feel as though I am responsible for generating everything. It seems that if anything at all is going to happen, than it is personally up to me. How about you?
I personally generate the majority of my real estate business. I cold call, for sale by owners. I cold call for rent signs in yards. I cold call, coming soon new construction, builder signs in yards. I advertise. I market. I email previous clients. I email industry workers. I GENERATE EVERYTHING! Sometimes, my broker throws me some business that he is not interested in, or does not care to engage directly upon. So I get thrown a bone every now and then.
I generate everything. As a single man, if I want to try and have a successful female companion, I have to generate everything. I have to go out at night and look sharp. I have to do the approaching. I have to do the follow-up, and the dating. All the bullshit. Can we make this easier? I am so tired of having to generate EVERYTHING in LIFE.
"If it is going to be, then it is up to me." Someone already claimed that phrase, and I, George Vance McGee, give you credit.Congratulations.
Even with personal friends, sometimes my friends call me to hang out. That specific effort and call is appreciated and the phone call is always returned. Have you, our Sample Spectrum readership, ever personally phoned a friend, left a sincere voicemail and heard ZERO return response. Does this mean they are no longer a friend. Maybe? People whom communicate with you are worthwhile. Those humans whom DON'T communicate back, are perhaps sending a message. It may be an in-direct, go away message. Painful, yet possibly true. Each unique friendship is different.
So do you, our fantastic readers have to GENERATE everything in life? Am I alone on this one?Are you an Entrepreneur like me? Or do you have a traditional job, where you get paid to perform tasks.
Lately, it seems as though I am responsible for GENERATING EVERYTHING. I choose to get up, shower, drink coffee, and present a handsome well fashioned image for the day. I choose to work. I choose to ask a girl on a date. Sometimes, I get business or girls handed to me on my lap. Yet that is a rare occasion. Do you, our readership have to generate everything? Is this self generation living an American thing? Are citizens in other countries required to perform a majority of self generation?
One day a week, I would prefer to have life sent to me on a silver platter. Yes, just sent perfectly my way. In an easy day, a million dollar real estate client would just call 512.657.9281 iphone, for a consultation, while later that night a beautiful model girl would desire to hang out, date, and go out for cocktails.
So how is your life going? Are you generating everything, like me?


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