Greed's Essence

Greed. ɡrēd/ noun Definition. intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food. Courtesy of Wikipedia. Thanks wiki.
Greed is a very strong and over-riding characteristic throughout American Culture. As our adult financial responsibility grows, one deeply feels the mounting pressures, and human desire for monetary wealth.
Here is a simple test. Go outside, call and ask your friend for a free favor? Gauge the response. Next, ask your exact same friend for a PAID favor? Unless this friend is your significant other sexual partner, or an immediate family member, the PAID person is usually whom makes it happen.
We live in a personal service, tech oriented, product, and evolving capitalist economy. Each unique person has different levels of greed. Personally, I would grade my greed level as very marginal. I can be content with the basics of food, love, and shelter. Some people become gluttonously spoiled to money, wealth, luxury, and a certain lifestyle. Are GREED people the happiest? Perhaps, maybe, I don't know.
I do know, every single human being in America, has some level of personal greed. Some of us, may lean harder towards the different rings of wealth, power, or food. Personally, I do not seek nor want excessive power or food. If I could choose, I would float towards money greed.
How do you, our Sample Spectrum reader feel about greed? Are you greedy? How do you feel about greedy people?
Sometimes people want things, that simply just aren't there. For example, let's say you owned a kayak. You think it's worth $2000 dollars, and you have it advertised for sale. You post, promote, and let the world know your Kayak is for sale, asking 2000 dollars. After 6 months to 1 year, the best offer you EVER get for your Kayak is $1250. Thus, if you are super greedy, do you hold out and DREAM for the max $2000 price? Do you hope inflation catches up, and the marketplace demand for your kayak rises? OR, are you like me, and consider yourself a REALIST. A realist would sell the kayak for the best offer of $1250. Yes, I am realist and live, sleep, hear, and converse with society in our present day world.
Personally, I realize my level of beauty, status and wealth may not attract a super model girlfriend. I still have hope to date a super model girlfriend. Yet, does that dreamy hope mean I will forever hold out for a supermodel girlfriend? No it does not. I date the BEST overall girls, I can get. I do my best.
Greed's Essence, is unique. Some people are simply more greedy than others. Overall, I am an easy going, and fair soul. I am also a normal human, and would prefer having something (food, place, friends, anything) rather than to be left with nothing.
Who do you think are the greediest people in the world? Is it the top 1 percent of wealthy citizens, like Bernie Sanders, the socialist Democratic Presidential Candidate believes? Corporate America? The government? Somebody else?
Lately I have noticed the city, and national government municipalities are very, very greedy. They are always trying to suck away and TAX your hard earned money. Governments also tax suck the private industry. The only reason city governments' are so tough on the ride sharing companies of Uber and Lyft, is because they are NOT municipally TAXED, as heavily as the Yellow Cab company. Remember Air BnB. The WONDERFUL travel, hotel, private, local residence, vacation alternative. The city governments found a way to get their money grubbing paws into the Alternative Travel Lodging industry as well. Lately the pure GREED of city governments has disgusted me.
It appears the essence of GREED can seep into both hearts of individual private citizens and the government. GREED runs through the SAMPLE SPECTRUM of LIFE. It seems to me that NO ONE is safe from GREED's lurking presence. In the ADULT WORLD, Greed is a major element of life. It is here to stay, until my time on earth is over, and after.
Thus, we as adult citizens must learn to cope, and work along with GREED.


  1. It is difficult to remain objective when determining whether someone is greedy or not. Are celebrities who crank out a movie once every couple months for which they are paid millions of dollars greedy? Perhaps they simply love what they do. Maybe they are donating 90% of profits to charity, college trust funds for children, etc. This must be examined contextually.
    The desire to date a super model has nothing to do with greed but rather shines a light on what you value most in a partner. Your "friendly favor" anecdote has more to do with level of friendship/personality type than it does greed. For example, Someone you have selflessly helped in the past will most likely effect his response. It's not black and white.


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