The Oregonian Lesbian Roomate

How do you personally feel about living with roommates? Do you currently have any roommates? 0,1,2,3 or more?
In family life, the roommate count is always changing and evolving. You've got the 2 parental units, along with the growing, random influx of female sister, and new brother roommates. I was the eldest sibling of 4 kids. At one point, I was living upstairs in a home, with 5 people total residing in that same home. Imagine the "BRADY BUNCH" 50's era color TV sitcom, with 2 less sisters. Overall I enjoyed my family upbringing and sibling roommate situations. Think Free laundry, rent, bills and food. We got all along merrily. Sometimes in Senior High School, since I lived upstairs, I would perform late night sneaks with girlfriends to my upstairs "LOFT".
Moving forward to my college days, while living at the CASTILLIAN, adjacent to the DRAG and University of Texas campus, I basically had 3 roommates. We 4 humans, shared 1 common toilet and shower. The dormitory did have excellent 21st floor hi-rise EAST VIEWS overlooking the glorious campus acreage, and an above average cafeteria with FREE tasty meals. Also the dorm was co-ed, and it contained a plethora of attractive, smart girls full time residents too. My 1st roommate at the Castle, was the total opposite in lifestyle from me. As a freshmen, I was a pretty boy, frat dude, jock. He was on the dark side of the SAMPLE SPECTRUM. This particular roommate wore all black clothing, all the time. He was GOTH. His favorite music and band was INSANE CLOWN POSSE, and he would occasionally take ACID pills in his free-time. The ACID drugs looked like candy coated Sweat-tarts. He often reminded me NOT to accidentally eat a SweetTart from the fridge. My other suite-mates possessed a life outlook similar to mine. They were both FIJI Fraternity guys. All 3 of us were going through the rigorous hardships of pledge ship at the same time. Also, my best friend suite-mate would sometimes lend me his "Connecticut" fake-id. It had a very high success rate, when I'd occasionally attend the local University bars, and pubs.
How do you feel about sharing your daily life residence and world with roommates? Pros? Cons? Indifferent?
A benefit to having roommates is the social element and safety they provide. Having roommates can lead to social party invites, life events, groups days at the pool, or park, and more. Roommates can also be safety nets, in the event of potential property break-ins, weird happenings, and additional safety surveillance. As an adult, if you are a property owner, roommates will help immensely with paying down a mortgage $$. I once lived with a really cool, easy going software sales worker and religious Christian devotee. This man owned a full 3 bedroom home on Enfield Road. Myself and another mutual friend rented out his other 2 remaining house rooms. Thus the owner got $1000-$1300 of additional rent each month. Plus he gained, cool friends to play music, poker, hang, talk to and party with.
If you, our reader, and myself included could be at peace with having roommates, then we could buy and own more property, pay down mortgages faster, and live more engaging social lives. That's positive thinking! Think of the 90s' TV SHOW Friends. Friends was a must see TV SHOW, about 6 attractive co-ed adults sharing apartments, while entertaining, conversing and discussing the loops of life.
So George, let's get to the Oregonian Lesbian Roomate Story....ok here goes....
Well a decade ago, I had been living in an excellent 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment in Central West Austin with my younger brother of 18 months. After 5 months of pleasant living, he decided to go teach English and live in Buenos Aries Argentina for a sabbatical.
Thus, I had 1 vacant bedroom linked to my name on the lease. I needed to find a new roommate QUICKLY. I created a craigslist roommate wanted advertisement and hoped for a female roommate. I thought having a platonic female roomie to discuss life with, would be interesting? The answer definitely turned out to be a YES.
I settled on a 20' something fairly cute girl from Eugene, Oregon. She was nice, easy going and kind. She worked as a waitress at a nearby Vegetarian Restaurant. She herself was a VEGAN. One evening, I came home, and she had cooked and presented us a FEAST of VEGAN food. I was open minded and tried a few of the items. But, overall, I was NOT to become a Vegan food fan conversion.
One late night after partying Downtown, I took a cab ride back to our place, and attempted to crash, sleep and pass out. Well, that night my female Oregonian roommate also decided to go out and party. As I'm laying on my bed, my bedroom door bursts open with my roomie and her female friend trouncing in. A tiny parade of women. They appear tipsy, and slightly wasted. Both girls crashed on my bed and started hooking up with me. Clothes started coming off, while the 3 of us began getting loose, and kisses were being landed. My memory is a shade fuzzy, but I recall about 5-10 minutes of 3 threesome love making with the cute Oregonian and her slender pretty friend. 1 of only 2 personal threesomes on my record. Then after 10 minutes, I am booted from the my bed. Thus my participation in the hook-up has officially ended. Yet, the 2 girls would continue kissing, caressing, and getting after it. As a 23 year old straight fellow, I was in new world Heaven, watching the 2 girls kiss, touch, hold, engage, and physically love each other. It was such a sensual act to watch first hand. The acts were caring, artistic and beautiful. Looking back I was truly privileged to have a front row seat to their Lesbian night time love making. It was one of the most joyous, unique and memorable nights of my life thus far.
The next morning after as time continued, eventually the Oregonian and I had our lease end. We both moved to different and new places. We were facebook friends for a long time. I noticed one of her updates included her becoming a heterosexual married female. She married a man. I sent her a facebook Message, "I thought you were a Lesbian?" Turns out, she wasn't really a Lesbian, I just got to be a part of experimental night.
Thanks for reading.


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