The Permanence of Body Tattoos

"Tattoos have become more common over the past couple of decades. A Harris poll in 2012 found that 1 out of every 5 adults — 21 percent — has at least one tattoo. An earlier Pew Research Center study found that the number was closer to 40 percent among those ages 18 to 29."
The above quote was derived from the google keyword search, "What percentage of People in general have body tattoos?"
How do you, our Sample Spectrum reader feel about the rising prominence and physical display of body art, permanent ink filled and skin stained tattoos?
I personally will most likely never, never, ever have a body "art" tattoo needled on me. In actuality, each time I walk past a commercial city tattoo parlor, I cringe with disgust. Needles are NOT my thing. The act of acquiring a Tattoo is a painful procedure. If you are a healthy person, why would oneself purposely inflict nerve pain, for no reason? I just don't get it. I personally have a dating policy when it comes to female dates, potential lovers, and perhaps wife material. 5 tattoos or less. I will permit a girl to have up to 5 tattoos. When she crosses the numerical 5 count, in my eyes the culture of the ink, goes from an act of artful expression, to possible human pain, and tattoo addiction. I once briefly dated a girl who was a "cutter". I felt sorry for her, and wanted to heal her inner pain.
I have zero tattoos. People could infer this shows a "lack of commitment" human personality trait. This may be accurate! In general if I can't wash of the remnants of partying the NEXT morning after with plain soap, that is NOT a good sign. My musical younger brother wrote one of his most popular hit rock songs "My Woman's Angry", and lyrically proclaimed to avidly live the dirty, no shower, body filth, grunge lifestyle. I, GVM, try to live life on the clean side. I personally enjoy grooming, shaving, washing and conditioning my hair, pedicures, brushing my teeth, massages, etc. You get it, right?
Tattoos could be perceived by society as permanent dirt? Tattoos used to be derived from sailor culture, before yuppies, and millennials grasped on. Some citizens consider Tattoos, an outward display of "ARTWORK." Do you think tattoos are artistic? Yes they are, in some ways, and can occasionally be considered beautiful. What is the purpose of tattoos? I'll look and visually take them in, but I'm glad YOU are the one stuck with the tattoo and NOT me.
Tattoos are so truly permanent. Science and plastic surgery removal of tattoos is very unlikely. It is easier to get a crisp, rapid Divorce, than remove an ink stained tattoo.
Recently, as a Gentleman's Quarterly, and avid GQ Magazine Reader, the famous English Celebrity, former World Cup Soccer Player, Spice Girl husband, Mega-dad, and perpetual Male Model, even at age 40 plus, David Beckham graced the cover. Girls, ladies and women, does David Beckham do it for you? I'll concede as a straight male, that David posses's powerful facial features, tanned manly weathered skin, and a pervasive level of handsomeness. I can do that too, though! But what I don't approve of, is the multiple tattoos all over his body and arms. He has tattoo, arm "SLEEVES." Yikes! Is he striving to be England's modern day version of the infamous and legendary historic English Character, Oscar Wilde?
There are many other ways to display, and express your individual human personality other than acquiring tattoos. For example, you could choose to showcase a variety of styles in regards to clothing, nail polish, haircuts, jewelry, make-up, and many others. There are ample ways to show creativity, without the permanence of body stained ink.
How do you feel about Body Tattoos? Will you be jumping in on this trendy permanence? Or will you happily abstain?


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