The Ascent of Women.

We need excellent, kind, wonderful, women in this world, now more than ever. A life alone, is a challenging one. Women are completely necessary and required for human life here on earth. As a straight single man, or even as a single person, I can not do it all by my self. Women, we need your entire skill sets, abilities, nurturing, smarts, kindness, will power, intellect, love and more. Unleash and open up the box. Do keep in mind, it is possible to be both authoritarian and respected, without becoming a prick. The encouraging rise in women's rights, power, and workplace authority grows everyday. This is welcomed and embraceable news. Women are needed in the modern 21st century, now more than ever. In decades past of the 1950's, women were precieved solely as mothers, home makers and domestic leaders. Today's modern world has completely shifted towards a new dynamic power in women's roles. In today's world, more is asked of the female race. Unfortunately g...