
How do you, or how should we as a society deal with FRUSTRATION? Frustration is created and arrives in multiple different formats. Frustration is NOT enjoyable, loathed, and unwanted. Frustrations is awful. I'm becoming frustrated, just writing the word frustration.
What are some of the roots and causes of frustration?
Personally for me, it penetrates my being and aura in different ways. Most recently it occurs during the real estate business work day. Being a human, it is difficult to displace personal feelings during negotiations and business dealings. Sometimes, we take rejection in business and negotiating personally. There are definitely some punks, rude, and bitchy people out there in the business world. I think and would advise myself and others to keep an even-keel attitude. The workers whom learn to stay "above the fray" and not let business happenings scorn and pierce their human skin, end up doing better in the immediate time, and long run.
Frustration is inevitable in life. No one ever in the history of the earth, has lived a perfect life from birth until death. There will be trials and tribulations. Frustration will bear its ugly head. I am currently watching this Tennis Grand Slam, Major French Open Final Match. One player will athletically win, while the other will soon become frustrated in defeat.
So, how do we solve this aforementioned, feeling, and dilemma? How do you, our Sample Spectrum reader handle frustration? Personally, for me, after selling books door to door, and after 10 years of business experience, have learned to let frustration fall off my shoulder. I've learned to simply listen, adhere and take the bad news. Next up, I strive to IMPROVE, so it hopefully won't happen again. There is nothing worse than repeating the same mistake. The sales business day, is an entire day of success, and rejection. I have become fairly numb to it. When business deals faltered in my early day, it would really sting. These days I know it is just business, and NOT life or death.
I wish, my day was filled with constant praise to my wonderfulness. Let's be honest at a peaceful 6'1 with blonde hair, and chameleon beauty eyes, am teetering toward male's upper echelon. Whom gets the constant praise worthy life? Is it the talented famous stage singer? The runway model? The neighborhood firemen? I'd love to endure just one day or week of public and private citizen adulation. Wouldn't that be cool? Like a public victory parade down main street.
Again, how should a human deal with Frustration? The healthiest way to deal with frustration is to simply commence with deep airy breaths. Another way to handle stress is to perhaps exercise outside and get the worries physically out of your system. Some people after 8 hours of work, imbibe happy hour cocktails in order to unwind and hit the reset button. Some people may practice yoga, read a book, or watch TV to unwind and release tensions. How do you best release your life frustration?
Perhaps another method to deter frustration is actual Change. Are you frustrated in your job? Change your job. Are you frustrated with your current city residence? Change which city you live in. Are you frustrated with your girlfriend or partner? CHANGE your status, and venture out again. Are your Frustrated with your physical appearance? CHANGE your appearance, and go exercise, and see that dentist, doctor or dare I say plastic surgeon. How is your life going to improve if all of the parts remain exactly the same? Is now my time for a drastic change?
Life is too short to live unhappily. If at all possible, let's make conscious efforts to improve our lives, and enjoy them to the best of their potential.


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