The Ascent of Women.

We need excellent, kind, wonderful, women in this world, now more than ever. A life alone, is a challenging one. Women are completely necessary and required for human life here on earth.
As a straight single man, or even as a single person, I can not do it all by my self. Women, we need your entire skill sets, abilities, nurturing, smarts, kindness, will power, intellect, love and more. Unleash and open up the box. Do keep in mind, it is possible to be both authoritarian and respected, without becoming a prick.
The encouraging rise in women's rights, power, and workplace authority grows everyday. This is welcomed and embraceable news. Women are needed in the modern 21st century, now more than ever. In decades past of the 1950's, women were precieved solely as mothers, home makers and domestic leaders. Today's modern world has completely shifted towards a new dynamic power in women's roles.
In today's world, more is asked of the female race. Unfortunately girls, with more power, comes more responsibility. I wish I too, could be lazy, drink Corona, and surf on beaches everyday. Currently, women are asked, and want to work in the professional marketplace. Power married professional couples can begin families and pay down property mortgages more efficiently. As a single person, it is challenging to purchase a home or property on just 1 lone income. Women, we need your entire self and aura. As a working man, the healing, comfortable and loving powers of the female gender are real. If a man is currently struggling in life, via finances, health or some other unfortunate event, women have the power to ease the pain, and provide a much needed morale boost.
Women, we care about you and SOCIETY needs you now more than ever in today's world. We men, desire and wish to enjoy life with your goodness. We yearn for top-tier companionship, and a fun, intelligent partner to navigate life's pratfalls and jubilation with. We want to grow with you! Let's grow together.
In our modern world, and with the independent rise of the female race, no longer are men a necessity. The utilitarian strength of men, has waned and diminished. Men have now become an OPTIONAL choice for females. The era of a male dominated world has officially faded. Goodbye are the days of dictators, kings, and male-only CEO's.
Women, we need you now more than ever! Dear university, college age women, please don't just settle for the "Mrs. Degree." Take learning seriously. In our current world, with equal rights, and the modern power of the female race, you can be anything you want. If not more!
In fact, women have major advantages in select professional fields. Female Fashion, Runway and Catalog Models earn much more than male models. I've noticed women residential realtors still seem to acquire more business than male residential realtors. In the field of childcare, it seems a female's consultative advice would supersede any male. In the public relations and events marketing industry, it appears, female led companies are hired more often than those led by men. The major point here, is the modern rise of power in women, is protruding with evidence. Women can be, work, and go about however they so choose. They are the rulers of their own bodies and destiny. They are respected, listened to, and extremely important in society.
Society would not function, nor exist without the female.
Women can no longer sit on the sidelines. They must work, they must do, they should be pro-active and create. They must be a positive element to society, and the world. I think the rise and importance of women in the world is long overdue. I hope the rise of women seeps over to the political field, and continues into other industries as well. There will be a day, before I am a grandpa myself, where the playing field and "battle of the sexes" will have ended. When that actual day of gender equality truly becomes reality, the world will be a more utopia-esque playing ground.
Go women, Go! Keep on with the ascent. Go create a company! Go snag your dream husband or partner! Go make a ton of money! Go have fun. Go Live life. I'm rooting for you!


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