
Single-dom is a new age and modern term, perhaps. Single-dom is a state of being, a status update, and a lifestyle. Currently I am back in single mode. No girlfriend, no real dating partner, nada.
Being single is a lifestyle of free choices. As long as the single person continues to pay their bills, earn an income, and remain sustainable, they may use their single status to its utmost reaches. The Single lifestyle has its advantages. This person does not have to listen to a nagging girlfriend, this person can attempt to woo, flirt, or initiate interest upon the entire "Sample Spectrum" of society if they wish. The single person may act as they so please. They make selfish, self pleasing entertainment decisions. The single person is their own driver and vehicle rolled into 1 entity.
What do I personally enjoy about being single? Well, I like the peacefulness, opportunity, and freedom. Whether successful or not, I can attempt to talk to any super attractive girl, I wish to try for. Like any human, some attempts to meet a new girl are more successful, than others. Everyone has been on their own bad date. Speaking of bad dates, here is my best bad date story.....
So I'm sitting Lakeside at the Mozarts Coffee Shop on Lake Austin. A very cute, bubbly and pretty girl is sitting downstairs along the lakefront. I venture downstairs and sit across from her. This specific pretty girl was just studying or chilling solo at this place of business. We merrily talk face to face for about 10 minutes. She is 19 years old, in college and pretty. I am able to successfully get her phone number, and also maybe add her as a facebook friend. Keynote, adding girls as a facebook friend whenever possible is critical, otherwise, you might forget what they look like! After inputting this pretty girl's phone number, I wait 3-4 days and ask her on date. Since she is below the 21 year drinking age, our date options are limited. (Dating advice) Dating girls below the legal drinking age, is a great way to save money on bars, alcohol, and nightlife, because the under 21 girls can't get in. So this girl decided to say yes, and she meets me at my studio residence. I drive us to a 24 diner, nearby to talk, eat, and converse. Not a bad 1st date idea, I thought? So we're actually sitting down at a table face to face, doing the normal restaurant routine. The conversation I think is going fine. I also notice pretty girl is constantly checking her phone. She is telling me how her roommate or friends have gone out for the night, and one of her friends is "wasted". College Girl Drama, ugh. The next action is what makes this date the worst on my lifetime record. She then gets up and goes to the bathroom, or so she tells me. I remained sitting for 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, then 15 minutes, then 30 minutes, before I realized, she escaped somehow??? She is not coming back. She straight up, bolted and LEFT. Humbly dejected, I leave solo, without ever getting to order, or even figure out the leaving cause. The oddest part of this date escape tale is that I drove us both. I am left pondering, how did she transport herself away? To this day it's a mystery.
In date culture, it is one thing to be stood up for a date, and left dry. This was the 1st and only time, a girl actually wanted to go on a date with me, and literally vanished mid-date. Thus, there is the vanishing date story.
Back to our single-dom topic and theme.
The single-dom lifestyle is more economical, than coupling. Single people only have to pay for themselves. There is no double charge at the store, hotel, restaurant, or entertainment theater. Single-dom can also lead to adventure. Some of my best vacation and min-trips to Miami, San Diego, and the magnificent San Marcos, TX were taken solo. I had a glorious, eventful and memorable time on all 3 single led, adventurous vacations. It is possible to enjoy the single life! When I'm in Single mode, I can watch as much Sportscenter, CNN, and Late-Night TV as I want. Single people have the TV Remote power.
Now, let us turn to the dark side of single-dom. The temporary situation of being single, can induce loneliness. When single, there is no loving partner to share stories, laugh, life outlooks, news, ups, downs, and jokes with. There is no one to talk to. Obviously, there is no physical partner to lay with, be with, kiss, caress and adore. There is no companionship, and plenty of empty space and voidable time. I've heard this "loneliness" is what drives bachelors to eventually wed. A fellow elderly statesmen and Austin resident informed me at Sweetish Hill Bakery one morning recently, that I should probably try to find the "one" (wife, girlfriend, long term gal) by age 40. Time will tell and my future is unknown. Perhaps I could meet, the one tomorrow? Who knows if the "one" even really exists. I'm open-minded, working, and just living life.
How do you, our able reader feel about the aura of SINGLE-DOM? Are you currently in it, like me? Do you embrace your single freedom? Do you loathe solitude? My humble advice today, is to learn to adapt to both relationship styles, and various statuses in life. At one point, all fellow humans have been swept up happily in relationship love bliss, yet we have all equally endured the break-up heartache, and alone void after. My helpful advice is to feel comfortable in your own skin, and go ENJOY LIFE, no matter what!


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