The Premium Life Style

That's all I want in life right now! Bank is code for Money. Fancy cars is code for possessing a luxurious, smooth, impressive, cool automobile. Women is code for being surrounded, and sexually hounded by attractive single ladies. Lastly Travel is code for Anthony Bourdian style, authentic travel. Travel within the context of admiring local geoghraphic influences. When Anthony Bourdian travels on his excellent TV Show, he infultrates a city's organic food, history, and human culture! It is a fantastic, entertaining, engaging show. I highly reccomend it! I am envious, as I too, also wish to live the "Anthony Bourdain lifestyle".
Personally, at this current day and time, still do NOT wish to be tied down with marriage, a desk shackling job, children, or some other life restraining entity.
In so far aquiring fat bank accounts. How do you plan to re-obtain this GVM? Well, previously I have successfully served real estate clients in the buying and selling of property. I'd prefer to keep doing this job, but I am noticing that business developement and new client aquisition is more challenging than I imagined. I am currently in a 4.5 month slump, which blows! Don't consumers know who I am? I'm the talented, intelligent, author, local, licensed realtor and former NYC male model? What else do I have to do other than be myself? These "For Sale By Owners" are a unique conversion process. I've done it many times before successfully, and guess I have to go back to being humble, service oriented, trustworthy. All in all, it can and will be done again, as I plan to literally "Bull" my way towards new business and successful sales contracts. I am too much better looking, intelligent, tall, gentlemenly, experienced, fun, easy going, charming, and wonderful than the majority of humanity for this lull to continue. Unless, you our Sample Spectrum readers have a better suggestion? One of my ideas, is to try to obtain work as a TV News Anchor. I enjoy News, am super handsome, and know how to read a tele-prompter. How hard could a NEWS ANCHOR job be? Really?
Moving along, what type of dreamy sports car, or luxurious ride would I like? Well, its appears as I gaze amongst the road, that the gas guzzling Large Suburban, Range Rover, and Escalade suvs' are becoming more scarce. They are dying off like the plains roaming buffalo. Society has become earthy, and energy consciense. People in this new century, have become upset with high gas prices, and gas guzzling automobiles. People would rather spend money on other things in life, rather than transportation. Personally, I'd love to own a sports car, specifically a 4-door convertible. One with a button that would easily open and close the roof hatch. This way on sunny days, I could drive with up to 3 friends in a "Santa Monica, LA" style driving bliss, while on rainy days, the roof top button would keep me sheltered from the rain elements. I'm definetly a sport car guy, and not a country truck dude. I'm a city slicker. I just am.
In so far as beautiful women. The 1st requirement is they must, must, must be single. I will not, nor will ever be a home wrecker, or relationship scoundrel. 2nd. I'd prefer these beautiful single women, be childless, as I am not ready for "parent" mode. I would like to take these wonderful dates and women on fantastic, majestic trips, dates, plays, movies, adventures, and more. If I knew how to sail, hell, I'd take them sailing! Maybe I should learn how to sail. Let's make that happen. 3rd. These pretty women must be beautiful, plain and simple. Whether they are exotic, foreign, local, domestic, short, tall, curvy, slender, or whatever, they must be attractive. So those are my pretty women pre-requisites. I hope I, fit their requirements, myself.
The last subject for today is organic, genuine travel. I am thinking, once I get the aforementioned FAT BANK ACCOUNTS, problem resovled, I'd like to travel to a Latin America country. Why Latin America? Latin America is realtivey close geographically to my home state of Texas. Latin America is more afforable than the USA. It has beatiful beaches, scenery, women, beer, and food. Latin America has sunny, fun weather. They people speak Spanish in Latin America, and my Spanish tounge is decent, and could get me by. Is my Spanish Tounge "rico suave" good? Hmm....probably not, but after time, it could be? I went on a date recently who stated, a person could live in Panama City, Panama comfortably for 6 months, on $5,000 american bucks. She said monthly rents were around $250 dollars. Now that's a lifetime deal!
Thanks for reading about my dreamy, ideal lifestyle today.


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