Diversity Advocacy

I personally am a very large proponent and cheerleader for human DIVERSITY. The more diverse, welcoming, and friendly our culture and society can be, the better.
I sometimes wonder, where and why bigotry, stereotypes, and racism still exist in modern day, post millennium times. When you are born those feelings are not there. While in Kindergarten, and as a kid, no one cares or notices those aforementioned traits. Nope. In grade school, all you care about is making decent grades, playing with friends on the playground, and eating foods you enjoy. Nowhere on the radar, does human discrimination enter the mind. Thus, is human hatred a learned trait? If so, quit teaching it. I don't care for it, I don't get it, and I don't practice it.
People are people. We are all alive, human, and pleasantly stuck together on this earth. We're ALL in the big SHIP together. So let's enjoy the ride.
There are numerous advantages to diversity. Diversity in the world, keeps life interesting. For example, diversity keep friends from getting lost in the crowd. If everyone in society looked the same, it would be easier to lose your friend in the massive crowds. Do citizens in the densely filled, Tokyo, Japan ever have this "where's waldo" problem? Diversity in the workplace is fantastic. When engineers, salespeople, CFOs' and company receptionists can merrily co-mingle, the synergy creates a more effective and enjoyable work environment. Diversity is joyous in the dating world. In America's beautiful melting pot of diverse, ethnic backgrounds, dating selections are a "Baskin Robbins of 31 flavors" or more to choose from. I've tried not to discriminate when it comes to potential dating partners. There are too many beautiful, different, and unique women to choose from, and dream for to self impose limits. Whomever get's credit for the mantra, "Diversity is the Spice of Life" was correct. I wholeheartedly agree.
A Diverse culture can also be a more intelligent culture! I think having diverse think tanks, various human backgrounds, and different social lifestyles, creates a well rounded human intellect.
In yesteryear, my Liberal Arts University degree and curriculum was a diverse assortment of classes. I recall taking college lectures, labs, and courses in a variety of fields. In my 120 hours of completed coursework, I took numerous doctoral, professor led courses. The subjects ranged from philosophy, society, chemistry, history, business, marketing, law, spanish, and more. The goal of the liberal arts, dart board course selection method is to create a well rounded graduate. Whom upon degree completion is prepared for any direction the working world is, and begins to transform to.
Pre-University Liberal Arts education, I kind of, maybe believed in my mother's Catholicism and religion. Post Liberal arts graduation, I see religion as a secular entity. Religion can sometimes be a divisive means of social grouping. Don't believe me, and I dare you, our wonderful Sample Spectrum reader, to travel the entire lands of the Middle East safely. In my unique opinion, I think religion is simply a way for like-minded people to congregate. As a result labels are given and social cliques are made. If you really think about it, choosing and practicing a religion is like joining a social group in High School? Were you a skater, smoker, jock, prep, band member, geek, nerd, cowboy, punk, or something else? There is a newly published book that has come out, which asserts a certain previous U.S.A president made biased, and wrongful decisions, based solely on their personal religious beliefs. As you can tell, I'm personally indifferent, or agnostic when it comes to religion currently. This could change one day, I suppose.
Moving forward, people are people. Live Colorblind. Live like a human. Adhere to the golden rule. Enjoy life, and embrace the DIVERSITY of Society. I think you'll have more fun if you do! I have.


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