The Lone Wolf.

What does the lifestyle of "Lone Wolf" mode entail? The mindset of a person whom prefers to go at it alone, is most likely a heavy extrovert. I currently prefer a lone wolf style of daily life actions.
Lone Wolf personality types sometimes feel that large social groups can hold them back and deter their freedoms. For example, when one is a cog in a huge dinner party or social group, they tend to be at the mercy of the larger groups decisions. What if you disagree with the larger groups decisions, and would prefer to create your own path instead? The person who adheres to the lone wolf mindset, never has the aforementioned problem. The single, freedom carrying torch bearer is their own entity. The lone wolf mantra is gender neutral.
There are numerous pros of going through life as your own mercenary. You get to personally choose, when, where and how, all the time. If you feel like spending the night out on the town, you are free to go, discover, and engage with society as you desire. Never is there some other person, judging your social interactions, laughing at your failures, holding you back, or slowing your pace. The freedom oriented lone wolf is their own action oriented president! If for example, I feel like changing locations, on whim, I simply JUST DO. There is no human cabinet to pitch, discuss, and argue life's next steps with. During the course of life as a lone wolf, the buck stops with you. You are the only decision maker. If one feels like approaching a new group, he or she may. If the the lone wolf feels like being a calm, quiet observer and wall flower, that is equally permitted too.
Personally, I have been a practitioner of the "lone wolf" lifestyle for about the last 6-8 years. Where did this self created lifestyle arise from? Well personally for me, I honed this solo success path, during my 5 year residency in Manhattan. In NYC there are 8 million plus free roving citizens. With so much, energy, pace, and venue options to choose from, it is too difficult to find common ground on decision making. Thus, I learned to just run solo, and make something happen. It usually did. If I left my apartment in Midtown West Manhattan, solo for an adventurous night out on the town, it often ended with enjoyable new company at the end of the evening. For example, I would normally pre-game at my apartment with a Kings of Leon, or Cut Copy album musical playlist, coupled with a 6 pack of Coors Light beer. This would induce a cheap, social lubricating pre-night buzz. Upon completion, I would leave and commence with the night-time walk and adventure. Sometimes my venue selections would be based on My Open Bar, was a frugal person's guideline to activities. Almost 100 percent of the time, I'd take the subways to lower Manhattan or the Williamsburg neighborhood. My favorites neighborhoods to create nigh time debauchery were the East & West Village, Lower East side, the Bowery, Chelsea, Soho, and Nolita. Those neighborhoods are usually inhabited by younger people and were less costly than hi-end spots. Lower Manhattan also contained an ample number of female, "model" patrons roaming the streets. Why not roam where the lady models do?
My best Lone Wolf success story came from a solo-adventure to a restaurant in the SoHo, Nolita neighborhood. Here is what I remember. I was dressed really well, sharp and classy that night. Think Brooks Brothers with a youthful edge. I was wearing a crisp blue shirt, gray charcoal sweater, and clean jeans with dress shoes. I next entered a lux looking, swanky restaurant and grabbed a seat solo at the bar. I was super poor at the time, and didn't have funds for the 12 dollar plus tip, house cocktails. In actuality, I think I ordered a sprite or water. Luckily my bar seat stool was adjacent to a beautiful blonde girl. I started to make small talk, we clicked, and it turned into a pop-up date feeling. Her nationality is a bit hazy, but I think she was of Northern European descent. I recall, she also mentioned how after years of living in New York City, she said she was moving to Los Angeles, that week or next day. Where does this story end up? Well, my lone wolf bravado, sharp fashion sense, and southern charming b.s., landed the two of us back at my humble, tiny apartment. As I recall after the restaurant conversations, we went straight back to my place. She was sexy, a tad older than me, exotic, beautiful, and a fantastic lone night romp. That's the thing about New York City, the women are conditioned to USE the men. How wonderful! After that volcanic confidence spurring night, I unfortunately never saw her again.
So after that true tale, and when as a person, you intrinsically have the powers, to cold-call and successfully bed naked, exotic women in NYC by yourself, you ponder, "what do I need other people for?"
Does the Lone Wolf Lifestyle and living philosophy work everywhere? Hmm.. the answer is yes, but to varying levels of success. In my opinion, the lone wolf lifestyle in practice is more successful in liberating, liberal, forward thinking, and female empowerment type cities. Think NYC, Miami, Los Angeles. I've personally noticed the lone wolf methods although still workable, have less triumphs in the conservative southern regions of the United States.
My humble suggestion today, is to keep your friends, and to continue to embrace social groups. Yet, please consider adding the "Lone-Wolf" philosophy as an additional arrow in your quiver of life.


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