Being the ALPHA

Have you ever wanted, or felt you were the ALPHA male or female of a particular group, city, or profession? Would you enjoy or loathe this Alpha name tag and requirement? Do you seek to be the BEST? Or do you settle for the mundane and what is comfortable?
Personally, I'd love to be the ALPHA male anytime. Often, I do feel worthy of ALPHA male status, when I am out and about in society. Why is this? Well I am 6'1 in physical height and am taller than most humans. A girl-friend, just got back from the continent of Asia. She is roughly 5'7 inches in height, and said the majority of Asian men, were diminutive in size. Why else do you feel ALPHA-esque George Vance?
Well, I am physically prettier and better looking than 92% to 94% percent of America. After having inhabited this earthly planet, for 3 decades, and gazing at the fellow humanity that also resides here, I can comfortably say I am physically in the top 10 to 5 percent of attractiveness in this world. The United States is easy, because plenty of Americans still smoke cigarettes, are fat, and lazily drive around in cars, and also never exercise. I might have a tougher time in the looks sample spectrum in say, Norway, Sweden, Australia, or Brazil. Isn't that where the beautiful people live?
Moving forward, this desire to be ALPHA, can be correlated to other facets of life. For example, in work life. With the upcoming Oscar, Hollywood Movie awards this year, each actor and actress is vying for the ALPHA actor award! Will this finally be Leonard DiCaprio's year to be crowned? Time will tell?
In my current field of residential real estate, the Austin Business Journal, creates a yearly list of the ALPHA, "Heavy Hitters" in Residential Real Estate. A welcoming goal of mine, is to one day have my name and company be represented in ABJ's top tier list. I would so LOVE to be an ALPHA dog of Austin Residential Real Estate! It would be a wonderful accomplishment on many levels. Being named to their top 50, Heavy Hitter list, would mean I would be earning lots of money. Money is fantastic! I could buy plenty of happiness with money! Also, I'd personally take pride in the respect aspect of being given a professional, work related award. I think we all, as worker bees, would enjoy being respected and happily recognized for our hard work and honest efforts.
Is being an ALPHA, solely a male characteristic or desire? Girls, ladies, and women, have you ever yearned to be the ALPHA female? For example, if Hillary Clinton is able to win the USA's Presidential Election, she will become the first, fantastic ALPHA FEMALE President of the United States. Wouldn't that be fantastic, if our progressive, intelligent American society could democratically elect a powerful WOMAN as our leader. Go Hilary GO! I am rooting for you, and for the empowerment of the female race. The female race has progressed a long way since, the 1950's, and I hope it continues.
Being the ALPHA. For some of us, it comes naturally, while for others it requires diligent work and dedication. There is only so much room at the TOP. So who wants to be the ALPHA Dog? Let's find out.


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