One time.....

This will be a collection of life items that have occurred to yours truly, your leader and author during the course of my personal lifetime. Obviously, like the entirety of the "Sample Spectrum" private, non celebrity names will be omitted.
In honor of the recently deceased musical legend, and artistic performer David Bowie, "I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring." To me, this quote is a suggestion to live your own life care free, without worry of outside judgement.
These all individually begin with the phrase...ONE TIME.....
I personally watched two lesbians from Oregon make intimate love to each other in my bedroom, towards the tail end of a late-night
I was asked to be an in store male fashion model for the flagship Abercrombie and Fitch store in Downtown Manhattan.
I scored 4 lacrosse goals during one high school game. (What does the sporting world call a hat trick plus one?)
I literally partied all night long, and left a dance club, when the sun rise was coming UP
I cheated on my high school head cheerleader girlfriend, with a cute private school chick neighbor that lived down the street.
I sold a "SILENT market" house in the Allandale neighborhood, and worked both sides of the transaction fairly as an intermediary.
I was at a strip club, with my friend, at the exact same time, Lance Armstrong was getting his happy on too. All was well.
I was on a date with a girl from Chicago and we entered the velvet rope club called ONE in NYC, where Brittany Spears the pop singer, was simultaneously hanging out. The next morning, we read tabloid fodder that Brittany infamously shaved her head bald, in a strange act of oddness, later that same evening.
I was gainfully employed on Madison Avenue, for a corporate media relations company for almost 2 years, until the rise of social media, laid some of us off.
I was training for a marathon, with a friend and ran 18 miles continuously. Afterwards, I was in so much actual pain, I decided distance running was NOT my thing.
I worked at an insurance agency, and instantly became scared of the the adult working cubicle world.
I hooked up with two girls simultaneously, but differently at my apartment in Midtown West, on Saint Patrick's Day.
I was elected Railroad Commissioner, in a fictitious government created by the historical Boys State Convention.
The Department of Motor Vehicles thought my eyes were so damm pretty and majestic, they legally labeled them the color grey on my legal driver's license. Thus according to the DMV, my chameleon-esque, aw-worthy eyes, which are really a hybrid bluish/green, are technically grey according to the state. Also, once upon my arrival entry to the DMV, the girls working behind the counter started clapping with joy.
I leased a property on Ridge Oak with jaw dropping views of scenic Lake Austin, and the Hill country with expansive grounds for $5,000 a month in rent.
I partied in an MTV leased out and sponsored LOFT condo building, located circa the ASTOR place cube in Manhattan.
I had sex with a hot girl in Zilker park on a blanket during a warm summer night.
I smoked pot with my college lacrosse mates, on the University of Cal-Berkeley's San Francisco area campus, near Telegraph street. Next, our entourage was invited to a Cal fraternity house to hang out, with an abnormally large snake pet.
I passed and aced my New York sanctioned Real estate salesperson license exam, on the 1st attempt.
I got beat up by clowns on a Halloween night in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania while on a presidential campaigning trip.
I was truly in love with a girlfriend (NOPE that hasn't happened yet)
I saw a live taping of the Late Show with David Letterman on Broadway Avenue, before he retired.
I shared a Meatpacking District Hotel Elevator ride with the reality heirs, Brody Jenner, Nicole Richie and their bodyguards.
I didn't get invited to my childhood best friends, adult wedding (Multiply X 3)
I walked past Jon Stewart on 49th street in Midtown West, and he was physically kind of short.
Via klep pre-university courses, I tested out of my first year of college curriculum with an A average.
My skin became so Goldenly tanned and bronze, during a Miami South Beach vacation, the girl patrons at the W Hotel Bar, thought I was actually of Latin origin ethnic descent (I'm an irish, swedish, white dude)
Thanks for reading my "Sample Spectrum" I hope your having as much fun, as I am.


  1. A Napolean Dynamite you tube clip link. I watched it. Interesting. Kid of the "what could have been" nostalgic. NOT the direction I was thinking for "One Time" but all real comments and thought is appreciated. Thanks for reading "The Sample Spectrum"

  2. One time buddy... one time:


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