The D.T.R. Defining the Relationship.

So the other morning, this wonderful girl, I've been seeing, starting grilling me, detective style. She asked me questions about my personal history, family relationships and plans for the future. It was her attempt at a deep, authentic, revealing conversation. In the face of this onslaught, I tried my best to answer her questions honestly. In regards to my personal future plans, I did not possess all the "Magic 8 ball" answers to come up with.
I feel most people choose to keep their conversations in the topical mode. Are you a topical mode conversationalist? Or, are you like the aforementioned wonderful girl, and seek deeper knowledge, and personal life insights?
Back in my university days, I had a super intelligent, Plan II or Dean's List level brainy friend whom gave me worthwhile advice. He strongly stated, he had been dating his current girlfriend with mutual contentedness for 2 to 3 years. He professed that during their time together, they had NEVER engaged in the "DTR." This particular, smart friend viewed a "DTR", as though it was an unwanted hurricane approaching landfall. What is the "DTR"? The D.T.R. is an acronym for the "define the relationship" talk.
For example, the DTR is supposed to help romantically engaged partners, test their level of commitment to one another. For example, when does an open dating relationship, morph into an exclusive romantic relationship? The DTR can be benefecial and help partners learn what each member hopes to achieve in the relationship? Does one partner just want companionship and sex? Does one person dream for a marriage, white picket fence and children? Does one partner just want to be friends?
I think there is a social media, Facebook status called, "it's complicated" to help explain this.
Yes, romantic, sexual relationships contain a roller coaster of emotions. Personally for me, there have been 2-3 recent girls, whom I had hoped for a longer girlfriend run with. Yet these recent 2-3 girls left me by their wayside in the desert alone, with no water, or horse. They just ended our romantic tenure, moved on, and left me high and dry. Despite, my stoic, even-keeled demeanor, it tends to sting, when a person whom you've spent intimate, and delightful times with dumps you. Its sucks when you are the one being dumped.
In the event you, our fantastic Sample Spectrum reader, or myself get dumped by a sexual partner again, let's learn from our mistakes. Let's all IMPROVE and make genuine effort to become better overall humans. Ask your partner the specific reasons why he or she left you? Was it your personality? Lifestyle? Appearance? Work-Life? What were the direct reasons for them to leave you? If one, doesn't fix errors and improve their own aura and self, they are doomed to repeat their failed past. We as humans all have faults. Professional Tennis Players' perform serving faults, constantly. It is how fast you can learn from mistakes, and correct them, that separates the top tier humans, from the idle, rear living pedestrians.
Personally for me, I am not really even a "relationship guy". In an ideal perfect world, I'd continue to be a super handsome, fun, financially sound, single, free-market man. There are WAY too many beautiful girls, ladies and women in this world for me to get to in this life. Why be stuck with one girl or lady, if you could taste the FRUITS of the entire female race? Is this open desire and attraction to the female race, an innate male desire? Is this method of thinking too primitive and cave man-esque? I want to be a good looking, successful BALLER for life!
So as the annual tradition of Valentine's Day approaches, I wish you, our brave reader the best of luck. Whether you are currently single, married, lost, lonely, lustful, confused or whatever. Good Luck! You'll be fine.


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